XJWs Gutless God Trashing Wimps?

by IslandWoman 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • IslandWoman

    Hey, Jehovah the God of JWs gets trashed big time here, he gets called all kinds of names, he gets his face rubbed in the gutter all the time. Now, this is somebody's God! But no matter, it is allowed!

    OK, that's fine. But now if somebody calls a fellow poster a fucking jackass or something else, that is not allowed? Why?!

    Words are nothing. If some idiot calls my mother a whore, who cares! If I am called a fucking whore, who cares! It's just words and they have only as much power as we give them. They mean nothing!

    We expect JWs to tolerate shitty names thrown at their God, but "God forbid" we call each other those very names! This makes no sense!


  • Satanus

    If jehovah takes exception to it, why doesn't he speak up?


  • tyydyy

    If they are just words and mean nothing, then why do we bother posting words. If words didn't mean anything then this discussion board would not exist.


  • IslandWoman


    Speak to the point of the thread first, then afterwards I will respond to peripheral questions.


  • Xena

    I think his account was de-activated St. Satan

    If words don't mean anything...why does your heart fill when the national anthem of your country is sung....why do you cry when you hear a beautiful poem....

    Try watching your favorite movie next time with no sound IW...

    We all know the words that flow to and from our indiviual computers are attached to real people.....

    I beg to differ with you Island Woman...words mean everything...

  • ashitaka

    God's a big enough 'man' to take insults. Humans are frail and words can actually do damage to us.

  • IslandWoman

    tyydyy and Xena,

    I was addressing words used as insults. THEY mean nothing. If we on this board can vilify someones God, then we also must be "man" enough to take a few insults ourselves!


  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Well, IW this is an apostate anti JW, anti Jah site.
    Its EXPECTED that we will slag God off on this website.
    We even slag each other off. I do it all the time. Others do it to me.
    Its just a question, at the moment, as to HOW FAR personal slagging should be allowed to go.

  • IslandWoman


    Its just a question, at the moment, as to HOW FAR personal slagging should be allowed to go.

    LOL, what a crock! So, we can fuck up someones God but we got to be careful how we talk to one another! This is the ultimate hypocrisy!


  • LittleToe

    Do you not think God is big enough for any such situation?
    Do you not think it's all been done before, as the Son hung bleeding from the cross?

    There's truly little that anyone can further heap on Him, as it's all been paid for - past, present and future.

    Those who do care have their own cross to bear, so as far as anyone feels agrieved at a God-dishonouring religion (and attributing their pain to God) ...
    ...bring it on!!!

    Regardless of what anyone believes, in this life, the truth will out.
    If the God-dishonourers are right then they might as well enjoy the satisfaction of dissing others, as they've nothing to lose.
    Personally I think that Pascal really did think that one through with more sense, though.

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