I'm sorry but here is another goodbye...

by Mindchild 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mindchild

    I've been depressed big time over all the fights, attacks, flame wars, bickering, complaining and what have you that seems to dominate the board these days.

    I've just decided that there is no point in my bringing down myself any further and that I don't have anything of value to offer here, especially since it takes as much emotional effort to insulate myself from my friends behaving badly, that I just can't seem to offer much in the way of positive vibes.

    I will check back some time (maybe a month or so0 down the road to see if this place has gotten any more mellow and friendly but until then...

    Hasta la vista and the best of luck to you. Any who wants can still drop me email.



  • Nowfree

    Sorry to hear that you are leaving the board Mindchild.

    Unfortunately there are some posters who are just here to pick a fight with others. Personally I try and steer clear of them.

    I find the board helpful because it reinforces to me that i am not the only person in the world who has BIG problems with the WTBTS, and the control it has over others, particularly family members who are still in. Otherwise I could just think it is me being "picky" with some of the teachings I don't agree with.

    I hope you are happy in whatever you decide to do know.


  • Amazing

    Hi Mindchild: Wish you the best ... and agree that there is too much anger ... so ... I may not be far behind you ... just need to wrap up a few things. Good luck ... feel free to email me anytime.

  • mindfield

    Noooooooooooo.......not mindchild! Not you! Aaah, nuts. *kicks dirt* I agree, this board does have its problems. But it does surprise me you're that affected by it.

    So be it, Mindchild... I hope I'll be reading your thought-provoking posts (they are) soon.

    Take care!

  • Celtic

    Yeah, I agree Mindchild, sharing this opinion of yours, I too feel as though I have nothing really left to benefit this community, so I can hardly blame you for feeling the need to move on. To be honest, I was surprised that you didn't mention this earlier on.

    On all of your journeying's may you find great peace and inner contentment. I'll write you as and when I find the time to do so. This end, life is starting to get more and more effectively busy, I gather this applies with you too.

    Take care buddy, remember to unfold the hot tub on your way out.

    Kindest regards and best wishes

    [email protected]

  • Joseph Joachim
    Joseph Joachim

    If your determination to leave this board is as strong as Farkel's or Amazing's, all I can say is: See you next week!

    ~ Josef Joachim

  • think41self

    If you wanna leave ok fine [8>], but who's going to help me battle the Evil posters that like to cause trouble??? I had such big plans *Sniff**Sniff* Alas I will have to find someone else to fill your BIG shoes!

    You can't hide from me on yahoo though dude, try as you might



    If I'd known I was going to live this long, I'd have taken better care of myself!

  • VeniceIT

    It switched when I went to post AGAIN, the above post is me Ven, I'm just on Tracy's computer!!!


    "Injustice will continue until those who are not affected by it are as outraged as those who are."

  • Abaddon

    Mindchild; I think I have your EMail, but I hope to see you here before too long. Things will quieten down. They always do. It never will be like the good old days, but what those were, and whether they would be good if they were here now is, as ever, open to debate.

    Best wishes with your new enterprise. May it boldly go as it should.

    Joseph Joachim; u r funny, in a good way; always though so, thought I'd say it.

  • dmouse

    Oh gawd!

    TTFN Mindchild.

    Hope you feel better soon, and strong enough to come back.

    Take care,

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