I'm sorry but here is another goodbye...

by Mindchild 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • Joyzabel


    I hear you and I feel the same way.

    Please feel free to swing by this way when you are out on your explorations. Its really not that far from you. (6 hrs)


  • BluesBrother

    Lets the more responsible posters just ignore the flamers, trolls and idiots who want to wind us all up

    Since finding this community my life has improved measurably. I can talk with those who UNDERSTAND. Just think too of the inquisitive lurkers who read posts and learn things about that useless religion known as J W s .

    Keep it going at all costs .

  • Scully

    Hey Skip

    I understand how you're feeling. The negative vibes have been very powerful the last week or so.

    On the other hand..... I disagree wholeheartedly with your statement that you feel you have nothing of value to offer this place. I enjoy reading your posts, and talking with you about your ideas. You certainly DO in my opinion, have much of value to offer. Don't ever forget that.

    I'm hoping that you're just going to take a brief siesta to regroup, and then return when you've got the wind back in your sails.

    Love, Scully

  • terafera

    I dont know why everyone gets so upset. Maybe it's because I dont spend alot of time here...

    Personally, I ignore threads that look negative or harrassing. Even if I read it and it looks dumb, I just click 'Back' and leave it alone. I never get involved in 'flame wars'.

    I like to read posts that help me remember why I dont go back... or maybe even if I did, I would have the help of people here to talk to. I've met great people here.

    This board is no different than life.... there are jerks, wise people, immature people, funny people... you just have to surround yourself with the people you like.

    I can understand wanting to take a break if this m.b. was causing you headaches or personal pain, but for me it's just a fun place to read other people's opinions on the crazy jw life, or anything else. I guess life is what you make it!

  • tyydyy

    Hey Skipper,

    How about another debate. I'll play devil's advocate again......unless you want to do it. This could be fun. This time I want the judge on my side.


  • patio34

    Bye Mindchild, You'll be missed. I certainly understand your position and have decided to cut my time here a lot. It's just not conducive to good mental health many days, IMHO.

    Terafera, you said:

    This board is no different than life.... there are jerks, wise people, immature people, funny people... you just have to surround yourself with the people you like.
    It's different for me--i've grown kinda fond of a lot of people here. I hate to see them disputing so angrily. For me, this is a place to come to for friendly discussion with people who've been thru the same experience in the JWs as ourselves. Instead of visiting a friendly coffee shop, it's more like viewing the audience of a
    wrestling match

    Mindchild, I've enjoyed making your acquaintance and wish you all the best.

    WTBS: Quit peeing on my leg and telling me it's raining.
  • patio34

    Ha! Just after i posted that i was cutting back, i've put up 2 threads and posted to several more. Just resolved to not look at the fiery threads! BTW, if anyone knows about Stalin's philosophies, post on my thread, ok?


    WTBS: Quit peeing on my leg and telling me it's raining.

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