At the Kingdom Hall

by paradisebeauty 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • paradisebeauty

    I was thinking of starting a topic on thoughts that go through your mind while attending meetings...

    Right now I am at the meeting and thinking ... we study about Jesus's courage to stand by rightness and truth, about him getting in conflict with religious leaders who thought of themselves as experts of the law, Jesus understood truth and God differently of them and he had the courage to speak out!

    So we study this, but after that we draw the concluzion that courage is to go preaching and identify yourself as a witness ...

    well, this in not what I understand from Jesus's courage!

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  • paradisebeauty

    Plus ... there is a "brother" in our cong that is twice divorced, both of his ex wives said he was beating them, and he is reading the bible verses at the wt study ....

    you realy need a power that is more than normal human power to continue ....

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  • Oubliette

    Jesus spoke out against religious hypocrisy.

    Try that at your KH and you'll quickly find you get the same results, albeit a 21st Century version. Instead of being impaled on a cross or an upright stake (as if if really mattered) you will be summarily disfellowshipped by a body of elders that make the Pharisees look like amateurs.

    Let's review: It's a cult!

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  • Oubliette

    PB: you realy need a power that is more than normal human power to continue ....

    For God's sake, why don't you find the power to get up off your ass and simply leave!


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  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    Hi PB - rather than travelling to the KH at the moment, I'm reading your post!! :smile:

    Definitely a far better choice!

    My stomach turns when I read/hear certain things there. If it was virtually any other church in Christendom, I could challenge/question what was said, but definitely not in the KH! What is served up by the G.B. is deemed to be sacrosanct, and anyone who dares disagree, is worthy of death now, and everlasting death in the future - fact!!

    The Org is nothing less than demon-inspired, and demonic in practice.

    My heart goes out to everyone who cannot avoid meetings as easily as we can. It's each person's decision if/when they can fade, but I would beg them to research the advice given by many here on exactly how to fade more easily.

    It really is less traumatic to fade, than having to fake it by attending meetings, F.S., assemblies, conventions, & televised broadcasts of the new JW superstars!

    Honest - 100%!!!

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  • Oubliette

    The Org is nothing less than demon-inspired, and demonic in practice.

    That would require demons to be real. They are not.

    What "inspires" these beliefs are false understandings of the nature of reality and simplistic philosophies ascribing those understandings to "God."

  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot

    The Searcher,

    "If it was virtually any other church in Christendom, I could challenge/question what was said..."

    I think you overestimate the tolerance of quite a few other sects. Only amongst liberal Christians is there any tolerance but amongst most Fundamentalists there is none.

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  • pbrow

    Oubliette, Could not agree more! GTFO!!

    NOTHING is worth more than your personal freedom. Until people stop downplaying in their own mind how important this freedom is they are stifling themselves.

    On a side note... I remember someone interviewing R Dawkins and they made a comment about Dawkins being "very upset with god." Dawkins said "upset with god?... that is of course ridiculous" implying its hard to be upset with something that is not real... You could tell the comment went right over the head of his interviewer.

    Searcher.... While I can understand why some choose to fade, you absolutely cannot be 100% honest when fading. When you make the choice to fade you choose to hide a fundamental truth within you to pacify one or more relationships. It is simply not possible to fade and be 100% honest.


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  • stuckinarut2

    Yes was very hard going sitting through the meeting today!

    The twisting of the scriptures, and the incorrect applications were mind blowing!

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  • Vidiot

    paradisebeauty - "Plus ... there is a 'brother' in our cong that is twice divorced, both of his ex wives said he was beating them, and he is reading the bible verses at the wt study ...."

    Take heart...

    ...the more the horrible assholes advance throughout the heirarchy, the more decent folks will feel compelled to walk.


    Eventually, it'll just be horrible assholes, and the whole enchilada will collapse into a solid, smelly, asshole singularity.


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