Thanks For your Input All

by eyes_opened 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • eyes_opened

    Thanks everyone! You were very supportive and helpful on this subject.
    <With the exception of the idiot at the end LOL>

    Edited by - eyes_opened on 23 January 2001 19:40:40

  • larc

    Dear Eyes_Opened,

    I though those were very good questions. You went beyond "What does this scripture mean," to "what does this whole thing mean?" They are not programmed to handle that. I wrote something similiar, here, under the subject of "Are you Ex's still Christion?" I would be interested in your reaction to my comments on page 2 of this discussion.

    I love having my eyes wide open. I may see some ugliness that others miss, but the beauty I see more than makes up for it.

  • eyes_opened

    I just read your letter that you mentioned above larc! You and I are on exactly the same wavelength.

    There is just no way that anyone can make me believe that a God of love, would be willing to perform mass murder of innocents. I told my husband <who was raised as a JW too> That if this indeed WAS the true God he could strike me dead now, And that I wouldn't want to worship such a being. <I'm still here><tempting fate>

    You are right, I suspect that the sister didn't think my questions were going to be of the philisophical kind, but something that could be easily looked up in the Reasoning From The Scriptures Book, and "corrected" on the spot. Although..... She is aware of the fact that I was raised as one of Jehovahs Witnesses, and commented while she was here, that she didn't think a study would probably be helpful for me, as she knew I was aware of anything that they would tell me <and she was correct on this point> So when I said that I had questions I assumed she didn't think they would be of the garden variety. See what I get for assuming?

    I told my husband that I wish I did not think so much. I said I guess I don't make a very good sheep. Being a "sheep" is a much easier route...just following those around you. baaa baaaa! hehehe

  • larc

    Dear Eyes Wide Open,

    You said that you told your husband you wished you didn't think so much. Well, I would rather think too much than think too little. Seeing things the the best you can may be disturbing, but I'd rather see it the way it is than not see it at all.

  • eyes_opened

    You are right of course....I'm just over tired here! Haven't slept much the past few days. <YAWN!> But 'tis better to be tired and aware, then well rested and deluded..LOL

  • thinkers wife
    thinkers wife

    Eyes Wide Open,
    I too have pondered these questions. And the "Does God Care" brochure just didn't cut it for me. It doesn't explain why if you happen to be born in a certain place your life is shit and if in another you are blessed with freedom and food to eat. I don't think a caring God would pick and choose innocent children to bless or curse that way.
    As Larc said, I would much rather have open eyes and mind any day. Even if answers aren't neatly packaged canned thoughts.
    You keep thinking girl. It is what keeps us alive and well.

  • thinkers wife
    thinkers wife

    P.S. Eyes,
    Don't hold your breath for an answer, we kind of like having you around.

  • Smartgirlpw


    Edited by - Smartgirlpw on 23 January 2001 16:39:11

  • Smartgirlpw


    Edited by - Smartgirlpw on 23 January 2001 16:40:12

  • Smartgirlpw


    Edited by - Smartgirlpw on 23 January 2001 16:41:21

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