No problem, love. I realized afterwards that you were not the only one who posted without a title. It's just that I kept clicking on yours! They all looked the same!!
I'm new here too. Nice to met you:)
Thanks For your Input All
by eyes_opened 38 Replies latest jw friends
Thanks! Good to meet you too.
Thank you for reposting that letter. Many of the thoughts that you have expressed are things I have felt, but have never put into words. Lots of things to think about.
You are very welcome. I tried to explain some of my points to my mom today, and she did make sense on one thing for me...she said that Adam and Eve making mistakes would be different than we today making a mistake, as they were "perfect" whatever that might have entailed <And here's me thinking "yeah, but they are brand new creatures...kind of inexperienced and child like I would think? So don't they get even one break?">
But then I said, so how does that make what we today suffer fair <for which she didn't really have an answer. Poor mom! This was stump mom day, and she didn't even know it was comin' LOL
To quote good ol' Bugs Bunny "Ain't I a stinker?" -
Hello Eyes,
I finally read your letter:) I was looking for it EVERYWHERE. I am glad you reposted! Alot of information to swallow isn't? I am with Larc in saying you go far beyond the wtbts teachings. I hope you find your place in this world(crazy as it may be)Have faith in your family and in your husband who I have no doubt is backing you up. Both of you can grow together to find your "place"
mommy -
eyes opened,
I'm impressed by your understanding of the concept of Time. I believe that time is an illusion, a man-made way of keeping track of memories. I've come to this conclusion from reasearch into the various sciences involved.
Einstein showed that time and space are different aspects of one underlying reality: space-time. The faster you travel through "space", the slower "time" passes. At the speed of light time "stops", so for a photon of light past, presnt, and future are all there at once. No "flow of time". That fact alone should tell us humans that, from the perspective of a "higher reality", our curious perception of time as being fractured into past, present, and future, is strangely flawed, unreal, wrong!
The "present" is important to us only because we happen to inhabit it. In the wider scheme of things, today is no more real than any of our yesterdays.If you're interested in these subjects, try reading "After Death" by Darryl Reanney
Hello Eyes,
I have written down many questions that were in your letter. My husband intends to try and answer them with the society's pubs... but I'm not holding my breath ;). I've been told if i'm just no so darn *negative* and if i just THOUGHT a little more and MEDIDTATED on what the society said, I'd get it. And if I didn't THINK so much about the unknowns I'd be more satisfied...
Sigh, sometimes i'd like to take the insight book and the bible and just smack all the brainwashed info right out of his head...
Eyes, I like how u think, and am looking forward to more of your posts.
Hello eyes_opened.
Looks like I have met my match.
I have read your post and I have thought the same things for awhile now, but have never put them to words.
I too have wondered why a loving God would allow a serpent to interfere with paradise. Would that not mean that by definition, paradise is lost, before it is ever found?
I have heard the explanations of satan doing his mischief in heaven beforehand, and don't buy it. It always leaves me wondering why this same God who is willing to destroy so many at armageddon would have been so unwilling to totally destroy the dragon before he ever caused any problem with Eve in the first place.
Wow, Thanks so much all for your feedback. It's great to know that I'm not the only one who has these thoughts. Thinker, I shall defintitely read the book you mentioned. And Moody, I shall be most interested to hear your hubbies thoughts as well, as I STILL haven't heard anything from this neck of the woods. I agree, Ianano...I too don't believe in this game playing God...If he was truly merciful he would have done away with such a horrendous trouble maker to start with. Thanks too mommy, I finally am starting to have an inkling of what a real life might be like! and my husband is behind me 100% no matter what happens...he said as long as he never loses ME all will be right in the world. Just having *him* proves to me there is a loving God Thanks again all for all your help in my struggle through this. {{{{{{group hug!!!!}}}}}
Eyes , it sounded like you really had fun composing that story. I'm sure too that the adulation given your intelectual prowess by some readers is most rewarding.
It is always rewarding to be able to answer so many long and rambling questions with a short answer. So to all the confusion you feel eyes,
( and it appears more like an excersize in intelectual egotism )
relieve yourself with the simple answer from your creator,
1Cor 1:19-21 +25
Mathew 11:25
PS It seems yourself and thinker have missed some of the latest scientific comments on time and space. Sorry to dissapoint you, but more recent scientifically accepted explanations no longer subscribe to the outdated views you express.