OK, Here is what I've got... there is a Rockfish restaurant in Irving/LasColinas (central to Dallas and Fort Worth) near Hwy 161 and Macarthur. It is a great restaurant in a very nice part of town.
Rockfish Of Las Colinas
7400 N Macarthur Blvd. Irving, TX. 75063
(214) 574-4111
They are selling boiled crawfish for $4.95 a pound. If we go between 3:00PM and 6:00PM they have a crawfish Happy Hour with crawfish for $3.00 a pound. They also sell life crawfish by the bag for $2.50 per pound.
So what shall it be?
1. Everyone meet at the restaurant (Happy Hour $3.00/lb)
2. Meet at a park ($2.50/lb)
3. Meet at my apartment complex (I live in a very nice luxury apartment complex with great facilities available) ($2.50/lb).
Regarding the Date, how does Saturday March 30, 2002 sound?
"As every one knows, there are mistakes in the Bible" - The Watchtower, April 15, 1928, p. 126
Believe in yourself, not mythology.
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