Exact indicators of an impending Flame War

by Celtic 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • Celtic

    OK so now you think you are all wised up to how cult mind control mechanisms work, but can you identify quickly and easily the language used by a poster intent on starting up a flame war? What signifiers can we notice about a persons written communication structure, that might give clues away earlier than expected as to an individuals intention or current 'mood'? Can you spot the difference between someone writing genuinely or that of a person just here to start up trouble?

    For example, there was a case here a month or two back of someone that looked to one or two others here to be seriously considering commiting suicide. From overseas, one or two individuals, including myself, took it upon ourselves to notify the FBI with scant information, this person was traced, the proper authorities were notified and the individual taken to hospital for treatment, amid other cries from other posters, that this person was just playing up, was being a 'self murdering bastard'.

    In that extreme situation, if you were in that individuals shoes, how would you have preferred us to react?

    So, maybe keep these pointers in mind, use discretion, try spotting the 'signifier' words that identify a persons character, present state of mind and perhaps most importantly of all, consider empathy at all times.

    Kindest regards to all.


  • Amazing

    Celtic: Excellent points ... thanks.

  • Scully

    Thanks for your insight celtic.

    Love, Scully

  • expatbrit

    Screw you Celtic!


    Expatbrit, spiralling into foul contumaciousness

  • gravedancer
    From overseas, one or two individuals, including myself, took it upon ourselves to notify the FBI with scant information, this person was traced, the proper authorities were notified and the individual taken to hospital for treatment, amid other cries from other posters, that this person was just playing up, was being a 'self murdering bastard'.

    As I recall you and some other non-American were not the only ones trying to set the situation straight.

    One "evil American resident" called Simon from the US, tracked down his service provider from some info obtained and then called them to alert the authorities.

    When we finally heard from the victim again supposedly one of his friends had taken him to hospital (not the FBI). so the person checked himself in and sought physical help himself.

    The reason I note all this is because that night some of us who were doing a heck of a lot of tracking were told what useless people we were and cussed at repeatedly, because we happened to live in the USA. Some of the accusors apologised aftewrwards. Afraid not all of them did!!!!!!!!

    I let it die then.

    What does all this have to do with this thread? Here goes:

    1. Incorrect information leads to issues (flame wars)
    2. False accusations lead to issues (flame wars)
    3. Name calling leads to issues (flame wars)
    4. Letting things die - even when you are in the right - can prevent issues (flame wars).

  • Celtic

    Gravedancer, as per usual, you once again are getting the wrong end of the stick, I'm starting to put you down as one of the most suspicious individuals on this board, stop looking for implications that do not hold fact and you yourself might do better here. You swing this way and that its so hard to keep up with your swings sometimes, but you do demonstrate the point very well here for which I thankyou.



  • Celtic

    It was a point in illustration only btw

  • gravedancer


    Interesting. You can label me whatever you want. Call me stupid while you explain some stuff to me here then:

    Gravedancer, as per usual, you once again are getting the wrong end of the stick, I'm starting to put you down as one of the most suspicious individuals on this board, stop looking for implications that do not hold fact and you yourself might do better here
    I got the "wrong end of the stick"? OK how?

    I must "stop looking for implications that do not hold fact". OK so your example was "illustrative". Does that mean it was just a story or was it true? If it is "true" then there are no implications. Then I can read what you said at face value.

    If I am mistaken then please forgive me for being rather defensive on this issue and aacept my sincere apologies.

    So assuming it was a "true" story, when you say stuff like:

    "From overseas, one or two individuals, including myself, took it upon ourselves to notify the FBI with scant information, this person was traced, the proper authorities were notified and the individual taken to hospital for treatment, amid other cries from other posters, that this person was just playing up, was being a 'self murdering bastard'."
    You have deliberately implied that you and someone else (not in America) are the only ones who did anything to fix the problem. I simply pointed out the reality of the situation.

    Now Celtic contrary to your opinion I understand quie fully what you posted and the intent. I appreciate that intent...I just take issue with the example you used and the way you described it as it is a distortion of what really happened.

    You can attack me all you like. But you, my dear friend, were the only one attacking anyones character. I took issue with what you SAID not you as a person because I do not know you as a person and would have no basis for such. Scroll back and see the difference. Can you?

  • flower

    Great post Celtic, I dont think its hard at all to recognize the signs. The hard thing though is resisting the urge to respond. Some people are very good at pushing all the right buttons in people that they know will provoke them to defend themselves.

    Amazings thread on reconciliation is one we all ought to read and commit ourselves to following. I'd really like you to start now with GD because if not this thread will be hijacked and turned into a war and thats not what you started it for. So please, no matter what is said dont let it provoke you into a war of words that cannot ever be won. If we all ignore them then the troll-like people will be exposed so much easier.


  • Celtic

    Aye Flower, well stated, actually re: Gravedancer, I think maybe its because him and I might be very much alike, hence we tend to rub each other up the wrong way, I do actually respect him highly although some of his views can be a tad ludicrous but there again so can mine. I have people like him to thank really for keeping me on my toes and I'm still looking forward to that pint or two he promised me sometime back.

    Gravedancer, if your'e reading this ya daft trout, say one more thing out of context and maybe it'll be easier for the two of us to simply avoid one anothers threads always in future, choice is yours.

    Kindest best wishes.


    PS If you've got a gripe or two, mail me about it, rather than hijacking another positive thread k?

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