OK so now you think you are all wised up to how cult mind control mechanisms work, but can you identify quickly and easily the language used by a poster intent on starting up a flame war? What signifiers can we notice about a persons written communication structure, that might give clues away earlier than expected as to an individuals intention or current 'mood'? Can you spot the difference between someone writing genuinely or that of a person just here to start up trouble?
For example, there was a case here a month or two back of someone that looked to one or two others here to be seriously considering commiting suicide. From overseas, one or two individuals, including myself, took it upon ourselves to notify the FBI with scant information, this person was traced, the proper authorities were notified and the individual taken to hospital for treatment, amid other cries from other posters, that this person was just playing up, was being a 'self murdering bastard'.
In that extreme situation, if you were in that individuals shoes, how would you have preferred us to react?
So, maybe keep these pointers in mind, use discretion, try spotting the 'signifier' words that identify a persons character, present state of mind and perhaps most importantly of all, consider empathy at all times.
Kindest regards to all.