Exact indicators of an impending Flame War

by Celtic 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • gravedancer


    There is no need to start practicing flame-war tactics on me. I just finished pointing out that I do NOT engage in the flame wars. I do point out things like "facts" and refer to things that might be said, but I have hardly if ever been accused of flame wars.

    If the facts and arguments I pose make you uncomfortable, am I supposed to apologize for that?

    So without calling you names I will post facts and references to what you said and ask simple questions (not call you names - a mark of flame wars).I can only assume you use terms like "troll-like" to provoke me. Is that true? Or like the other post you made that was only "between you and Ladonna" was your post only "between you and Celtic"?

    Perhaps I am a stupid person (note I flame myself - not you) but if things were only to be between 2 individuals why would you use a discussion board? Why would you not use email or a messaging program? So go ahead and say I am implying things without fact...

    I have not insulted Celtic and I have not insulted you. I take issue with WHAT you write and debate such. Is that a flame war? If it is then this place will soon be sterilized into non-existence.

  • gravedancer


    I am a troublemaker. Not amongst peoples personalities but with generally accepted views. And if I rub you the wrong way I apologise (but don't take it personal please).

    Please do not take PERSONAL offense at what I write. Please see that I challenge content and not the person's personality. True sometimes I will ask things that migght make a person think but I intend to hurt no one....even if I do bring discomfort.

    Many here are comforters. I am not a comforter. so knowing this about me please don't get offended by what I write.

    May peace with you too, Celtic


  • gravedancer

    Having written these posts, I now have to go for the evening. I have a happy hour and I will have one for you, Celtic.

    Perhaps this thread can stand as an example of how to argue views without a flame war?

    Face it we still have to be able to disagree and debate on this forum. Without that none of us will grow. We need the intelligence we all bring to the collective to help each other realize our own reality.


  • Celtic

    I'm absolutely cool with that Gravedancer, you make a very good point and I accept what you say without question.

    In that style, please continue, pray do, to banter me when you feel I need it, my apologies if my inappropriate wording caused you or anyone else for that matter any offense.

    Enjoy that drink or two, I'll toke my spliff for you in a bit, take good care of yourself.

    Love & peace


  • VioletAnai

    You want signs of a flame war:


    Good point Celtic btw

    You've been a BAD boy, go to MY room

  • Celtic

    If its all the same to you VioletAnai, I'd rather go to Flower's room, cheers all the same, me being a one woman man and that kind of thing, thankyou for the offer though, you remind me of how desirable I really am.

    Mark - with the big ego and a bad cold this evening.

  • Amazing

    Hi GraveDancer:

    "1. Incorrect information leads to issues (flame wars)
    2. False accusations lead to issues (flame wars)
    3. Name calling leads to issues (flame wars)
    4. Letting things die - even when you are in the right - can prevent issues (flame wars)."

    Excellent summary. It is Item 4 that I think needs to be taken to heart ... something that I am committed to do. I agree with 'healthy' debate of issues, and will contiue to do that, as long as the debate is truly about ideas, concepts, and issues ... and not alleged unproven behavior, or allgeged "state-of-mind" which is unprovable unless the accused admits to such state-of-mind.

    The difference for me is to stick to not responding to anything but those topics that are positive and useful, or if a debate, sticking to that which is factual, demonstratable with clear evidence. Otherwise, they will be ignored by me. That is the only way I can keep true to Item 4. Thanks again.

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