When I was an active JW, my closest friend was the wife of an elder who had been disfellowshipped because of an affair with a pioneer. I loved her and we got along great together. I considered her my very best friend. We were the same age, had the same number of children and shared many wonderful times together. I trusted her implicitly and confided in her all of my deep, intimate problems and she likewise confided in me. Once when my husband and I were having marital problems I got tired of the constant bickering and became afraid of what it was doing to the children, so I decided to go and visit my brother in California for a while. No one else in the congregation knew why I was going to California, but my friend knew that I was contemplating a divorce and that it was even possible that I might stay in California. Well, my husband I worked out our problems and when I returned back home about six weeks later I got the shock of my life. My "friend" had gone to the elders and told them about my marital problems, why I had made the trip to California and other intimate details I had entrusted her with. I couldn't believe it! When I confronted her and asked her why she had betrayed me she gave me some spiel about keeping the congregation clean. Well the first night at the Kingdom Hall after I came back the PO announced that they were taking the book study out of my home and there were other consequences resulting from her betrayal that I don't want to get into now. Gee, its been years now and you know I am still furious at her for what she did. Anyway, have any of you been betrayed a JW you thought was your friend?
Totally Betrayed By A JW
by Dutchie 14 Replies latest jw friends
(but I'm not nor was I ever a jw so I don't count anyway) -
I don't know Dutch, this doesn't surprise me. They're a bunch of misfits.
It happened to me, but I was only a child. My best friend and I would raise hell together. Next thing I know, she has an attack of 'conscience' and I'm in trouble. Goes to show, it is instilled early on where your loyalty should lie. Friendships within the org are NEVER 'true' friendships.
I understand how you feel. I used to get SOOO angry. And the excuse was always, "My conscience was bothering me." AACK!!!!!BARF!!!!"True" friendships can only be found in "True" people. People with personalities that belong to themselves and not an orginization. People who can think independently.
-P(J) -
Excuse me,,, we were young teenagers at the time. Not children.
Sorry for the screw up.
-P(J) -
Oddly enough it was my husband. Although at the time we weren't married. We were teenagers and hung out with the same group of witness kids. Well, we all were drinking one night and the next day he "felt bad" and told his mom, so we all got in trouble. He did that twice actually.
You wouldn't know he was the same person now. He's quite the partier and plays guitar in a band. He tried to be "good", it just didn't work for him too well.
Maybe being oneself is alway an acquired taste.-----PATRICIA HAMPL
On another note, I've been "betrayed" by a non-witness too. The difference is that it was never to the extent that my witness friend betrayed me and it was only my witness friend who used God as an excuse to behave disgusting, horrible manner.
Hi Dutchie
Betrayal?!?!??! Where to begin lol. I think the best 'worst' story was at a funeral service. A young witness girl had died...and it was a very big funeral...people came from everywhere. The witnesses rallied around and helped with food and drinks for the guests etc....and we were rinsing cups and making sure all the out of town guests were made to feel welcome and to help out the family.
There was this one sister who was on this new fad diet program...she was fanatical about health etc....she was also a very mean sister...she was alway the kind who would turn up to a function with no plate or food contribution. Well being a funeral and all...she went to a lot of trouble to prepare some soup...and for her this was a big deal. She turned up at the house and presented this very large pot of soup and extended her generous gift to the sisters in the kitchen. The sisters in the kitchen went about their business as hosts and before long the soup was used for all the hungry mourners along with all the other food provisions.
Some time later...an elder approached the sister who's daughter had died...and told her that he thought the funeral catering was inappropriate...and he accused all the 'worldly' guests of gluttony. The soup - unbeknown to all of us - was meant for the family...NOT the hungry guests. Also, it was meant to have been acknowleged and it never was...who buries their daughter one day and thinks 'oh i must thank sister so n so for her soup'? And the elder who said this was the mean sister's husband. What a treacherous pair they were.
My child was molested - they covered it up, lied about it,
and got her to keep quiet about it.Don't ever tell me that the 'truth' gives you loyal friends.
Don't ever tell me that the 'truth' gives you loyal friends.