How much real Integrity does the average JW have ?

by Phizzy 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • atheist_R_stupid

    @phizzy yes it is about atheist and jws. because you men dont really want ANY god anything.  thet fact is, the jws are taking the bible and saying read it. If they were doing exactly like any other church, you would not care a rat's behind about the jws.

    because most faiths say they have the way to life. Most faiths say others do not. preaching to others has been a staple in christianity since the start, and because the USA churches dont, the jws and mormons seem odd to you.

    the fact is, you really dont want any faiths at all talking to anyone , especially you, about god. It never fails, groups like this, when on facebook, will be filled with not just posts like you guys, but images as well  showing the types of men you really are. its just this site doesnt have that ability. but if this were facebook? your colors would be exposed.

  • Phizzy
    Try to keep on Topic ARstoopid, or piss off.
  • Giordano
    I think ARstoopid needs to go to Simon's time out room.
  • stillin

    I really don't think that the average JW would outright steal anything. Mind you, I said "average." But I think that many of them have no ethics in business or life in general. The WT magazine paints pictures in moral black and white images. But life, of course, is not like that.

    furthermore, I have known a good many who profess no belief in God but they hold to high standards in their everyday lives. Not stupid atheists at all.

  • Gentledawn

    JWs required to report [confidential] medical information to elders


    Look up the (JW) term: "Theocratic Warfare" (hint: it sanctions lying, saying it is a-okay for JWs to LIE)


    The tetragrammaton does not appear anywhere in the Christian Greek scriptures. 

    So, what name appears at Romans 10:13?
    ^ ALL English translations say "Lord".

    So, the watchtower society/governing body decided to place the word "jehovah" (itself a bastardization/amalgam of YHWH and the vowels from "Adonias", which means "LORD") in nearly every instance the word "Lord" appears in the New Testament. But does the scripture cited from Romans chapter 10 verse 13 mean Jehovah? No. How can you find out the facts?

    Look up the verses in Romans immediately prior to verse 13: they are speaking about the Messiah, Jesus.

    Double check that leg work: Look up Acts 4:12. 
     - "Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.”

    Just the name "Jesus". NOT Jehovah.

    Here it is in context: Acts 4:8-12
    8 Then Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit, said to them: “Rulers and elders of the people! 9 If we are being called to account today for an act of kindness shown to a man who was lame and are being asked how he was healed, 10 then know this, you and all the people of Israel: It is by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom you crucified but whom God raised from the dead, that this man stands before you healed. 11 Jesus is
    “‘the stone you builders rejected,
      which has become the cornerstone.’

    12 Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.”


    The New World Translation manufactured and distributed by the Watchtower is packed full of lies and sly deceptions. They tell their enforcers (aka "elders") to lie and obfuscate all the time.


    During the Gordon Leighton court trial in the UK, 3 elders used the "clergy/laity privilege" as a defense, as to why they could not confirm a confessed pedophiles confession to the crime.

    Meanwhile, the Watchtower is claiming zero responsibility in the Candice Conti court case because they have no responsibility towards the lay congregation. They (the leadership) do not direct anyone to hide information. There is no hierarchy in the congregations like that.  Except that is exactly what the elders are directed to do when their "2 witness" rule bottoms out. They write a confidential record about the child molestation, sign it, write a date, put it in an envelope and store it in the KH's "confidential report"

  • Xanthippe
    Many start off with integrity I'm sure but after decades as an elder with all the infighting and stepping on heads how could a person keep their integrity? I can imagine the ones with real integrity would leave or perhaps they would get ill, 'step down' and muddle along as a member of the walking wounded without the ability to now work out what the hell is going on in the organisation they once loved.
  • Phizzy

    "The quality of being honest...." was one part of the definition.

    If you have ever had a JW "on the ropes" in a discussion about their beliefs, and the way they constantly change,or the history of the Org, or the Ethics of the Org etc etc  you will know that Honesty goes out of the window.

    As they lie through their teeth to you, they must be experiencing the most painful Cognitive Dissonance,  but it does not stop them. They lie.

    Integrity ?   Primarily that means being true to yourself. they lie to themselves.

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