Evidence of Fabrication in the recent WT study article for 8/19/12?!?

by 00DAD 33 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • 00DAD

    I noticed what seems to be evidence of a glaring fabrication in the WT Study article from last week, the 08-19-2012 WT STUDY article, WHY PUT JEHOVAH’S SERVICE FIRST?, JUNE 15, 2012, pages 20-24.

    Consider this excerpt from paragraph 14:

    Reflect back on the joy that so many of God’s people had during the Memorial season this year . During March, a special provision allowed auxiliary pioneers to choose whether they would devote 30 or 50 hours to the field service. (Ps. 110:3) Millions shared in auxiliary pioneer service, and congregations seemed to radiate exceptional excitement and joy ... [Emphasis added]

    Now consider the lead time needed for an article like this and work backwards. These magazines are posted on the internet at least 3 months in advance of their "publication date". That means that the entire magazine, including all articles, the artwork and layout have to be completed more than 3 months in advance. For a June issue that would mean early April.

    I've been out a few years, but it used to be the 6th of the month that the Secretary was supposed to turn in Field Service Reports (FSR) for the congregation. This year April 6th was a Friday. So assuming the Bethel FSR compiler worked overtime and over the weekend maybe, maybe they could have had the facts & figures calculated by Monday the 9th or Tuesday the 10th. I'm not buying it, but I suppose it's possible.

    But how would they have gotten this anecdotal evidence of " exceptional excitement and joy " in time for publication? How would they have included it in the article in a seamless way? How would they have gotten it proofread and approved and finally published by the publication due date?

    For several years I worked as an editor for a professional film music industry journal which was published monthly here in Los Angeles. I know what is possible in reference to "Last-Minute" editorial changes and what isn't. I also know what is likely.

    My feeling is that they simply make this stuff up long in advance and don't even worry about whether or not it's true.

    "Sure brothers, we're writing this in January, but by the time it's studied in the congregations in August it'll be true! Every congregation will remember that THEY radiated exceptional excitement and joy because we said they did. And the ones that don't remember it that way will be jealous because they'll think all the other ones did. Why? Because we said so! That's why."

    Your comments, as always, are welcome,


  • cedars

    You're right, it is clear evidence of fabrication. However, didn't we pick up on this at the time?


  • cedars

    Yep, here's the thread...


    discreetslave pipped you to the post!

    But it is truly shocking fabrication.


  • 00DAD

    Cedars, do you mean there have been threads about this particular issue before?

    If so I missed it. Probably when it was posted in June.

    I just spotted it when reading it this week.

    Funny, I STUDY (and I mean really study) the WTs much more closely now than I ever did when I was "in".


  • cedars


    Funny, I STUDY (and I mean really study) the WTs much more closely now than I ever did when I was "in".

    Yes, I too take more of an interest in the release of the Watchtowers now than I did before. I also know the names of all 7 Governing Body members, and can identify them by their faces - I certainly couldn't do that a year or so ago!


  • cofty

    Good catch 00DAD

  • 00DAD

    Cedars, thanks for the links. I actually commented on that thread back in March. That's probably why I spotted the lie so easily this Sunday when I read it again.

    On the previous thread you linked above, St George of England said this about the June 15, 2012 WT:

    We collected it at the KH this week. It's also on the WTS website.

    He wrote that on March 19, 2012, twelve days BEFORE the end of the month the article supposedly describes. In fact the thread was started on 3/18/12.

    At any rate, it's good to get this out there again for the lurkers, any who missed it the first time or people like me that just forgot about it! ... lol


  • cedars

    00DAD - just one thought, do the dates concerned allow enough time for the auxilliary pioneer applications to be received at all the branches for the month of March??


  • bohm

    Bah. Typical apostate haters. This is clearly evidence jehovah used his foresight to see how happy people would be and communicated it to the GB.

    This proove the GB is used by God!

  • 00DAD

    bohm, you're right. Why didn't I see it that way?

    I'll repent in sackcloth and ashes right away!!!

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