JW's are the slowest walkers in the world

by Unclepenn1 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • Unclepenn1

    That's all I wanted to say. You can always spot them by the 'less than 1/2 miles per hour' they stroll down the street. Salvation by the hour. How sad!


  • ThiChi

    Ahhh, the “Pioneer Shuffle” as we use to call it! Great way of getting the max amount of time in service!

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    ...and yet it is completely understandable.

    They are "graded" by the hours they spend in the door-to-door magazine sales activity, not by their RESULTS.

    They are forced to carry a message even they can no longer believe to people who couldn't care less about Dub doomspinning - people who HAVE LIVES. No wonder the door-to-door "ministers" seek to maximize the time between encounters they anticipate with all the joy of a spy strapped to a rack staring at a telephone generator.

  • ThiChi


    ""They are "graded" by the hours they spend in the door-to-door magazine sales activity, not by their RESULTS.""

    Good point! Never looked at it that way.......

  • Dutchie

    Here we called it the "Pioneer Stro1l" and yes it was intended to get the maximum amount of hours in that we could without really exerting yourself. Since we had already paid for our books and magazines and the WT had gotten their money, we tried to recoup our investment by selling as much literature as we could, but of course our main focus was the hours. We believed that putting in the hours surely bought our salvation. So foolish!

  • Yadirf

    Hey Penn, how fast is fast enough?

    I've seen some mail carriers, I'm sad to have to say, that you'd need to draw a chalk mark on the sidewalk to tell for sure they were moving, especially during a count-week. Of course in many cases there's a reason why they're not so enthused about getting their routes done and getting on back into the office pronto. (Hint: It has to do with no justice.) If they do THAT it's a sure sign to the manager (whom BTW is ALWAYS looking for a way to make his own self look good in front of his superior) that the carrier needs some MORE territory added on to his route. The faster cats generally are the ones that are blessed with receiving more of the load. Of course nobody can fully understand what I’m talking about without having first worked for the “place” themselves. It’s an absolute madhouse!

    However, in the case of a JW, oftentimes they spend their time walking unhurriedly between residences while engaged in thoughtful prayer, or simply thinking to themselves about how they might've better handled the situation at the door they had just left. Who ever meditates in a hurry, huh? Hence, their objective is not to see how many houses they can hit in a given hour, but how effective they can be in their Ministry.


    Daniel 11:35 ... a KEY prophecy that must be fulfilled before the "time of the end" gets underway.

  • DazedAndConfused

    yadirf, that is too funny.....but I don't believe a bit of it. Having experiences as both a publisher AND a pioneer I know the tricks that are played to increase time. And they weren't secrets either, they were talked about and used as much as possible.

    For instance there was a sister in our congregation who, while not in service, drove so fast that everyone wore seatbelts (before they were a law) and constantly had to grab anything just to brace themselves. But in service.....she would go 5-10 mph under the speed limit and at every stop light or stop sign whe would do a dramatic 10 times back and forth look to make sure things were clear (although she hardly noticed them when not in service).

    Or I loved to work with this other set of regular pioneers. They would ask if anyone has a call that is hard to find so we could start our time before going to the next town (20 minutes away) to do the "pioneer shuffle" throughout the territory. I have been in 4 different congregations, from one end of the US to the other, and it is not any different from one to the other.

    However, in the case of a JW, oftentimes they spend their time walking unhurriedly between residences while engaged in thoughtful prayer, or simply thinking to themselves about how they might've better handled the situation at the door they had just left. Who ever meditates in a hurry, huh? Hence, their objective is not to see how many houses they can hit in a given hour, but how effective they can be in their Ministry.
    This is one of the most laughable things I have seen in a long time. In all of my experiences in service, with pioneers or otherwise, there may have been one person that did anything remotely close to what you have written.
  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    and yadirf spake thus,

    oftentimes they spend their time walking unhurriedly between residences while engaged in thoughtful prayer...

    Absolutely correct! Here's one of the prayers, monitored via remote transponder:

    "Our merciful Father Jehovah, why an I doing this? . . . Huh God? . . . Will you give me a clue, PLEASE? . . ."

    As always, there was no reply from the petitioned.

  • ThiChi

    When I first joined the ranks of a regular pioneer, I was pulled aside by some other pioneers and asked to slow down my pace while walking from door to door.

    NN: You are too funny.......

  • Budda Belly
    Budda Belly

    Hey UnclePenn..

    Where you been?

    Can I ask you about somthing I heard???

    Here it goes..

    I have great respect for Dr. Billy Graham.
    A freind of mine saw me tuning in to his recent
    crusade and remarked that I was listening to a man
    who is antisemetic. Is this true or a rumor?
    I have always enjoyed Dr. Graham even thought I don't
    follow his sermons.


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