JW's are the slowest walkers in the world

by Unclepenn1 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • expatbrit

    They're quite obviously meditating on how the time remaining to this old system is so much reduced. How little time remains for people to seek Jehovah and how urgent is the life-saving work they are engaged in. That's why they rush so slowly to save people's everlasting lives.


  • Beck_Melbourne

    They are conserving energy! It was probably meeting night.

  • Unclepenn1

    Hey Buddha, well I dont make it to these parts much anymore. Too many negative feelings from reading peoples convaluted ideas about God and Holy Scripture. ANyway, regarding Graham, I would say definitely not. It's amazing how the tongue can be used to tear people down. Any person that is a public figure, escpecially one who is a man of God, will definitely incur abuse from peoples gossip. Billy Graham is very careful what he says, how he says it and how things appear. He was quoted as saying that he will never be alone with a woman in the same room (who's not his wife), even for a minute. He will not even ride an elevator if it puts him in a situation where there is just a woman in there. First of all, people would talk, secondly, it could be a set up and this woman could be used to destroy what Graham has spent 50 years at, his minisrty and integrity, by lying and saying that Graham groped her or some sick lie. People are wicked. I would disregard your friends comments as just gossip. Hope that helps. Nice to see you too :)


  • TR

    An elder told me to slow down while I was with him in f.s. He said; "Going to a fire, TR?" And, I can guarantee you that we didn't pray or talk about how to be more effective. LOL!


    I hold it to be the inalienable right of anybody to go to hell in his own way.
    --Robert Frost, 1935

  • 2SYN

    HEHE! Yadirf (damn your name is hard to type!), the only thing I prayed for while doing field service was that it would end quickly!

    The earlier in the forenoon you take the sun bath, the greater will be the beneficial effect, because you get more of the ultra-violet rays, which are healing. - The Golden Age

  • Yadirf


    Yadirf (damn your name is hard to type!)
    Sorry about that. I agree though, as I experienced the same problem in the beginning after I changed over from Friday to Yadirf.

    I've been trying to make out what the picture under your screen name is exactly. Since it's so small I can't tell. Would you describe it for me please? Also, why "2SYN"? What does that mean?


    Budda Belly

    I began making a reply to your post just before this one, but didn't get very far when I figured it best to postpone it. I just woke up from a nap and the medication I take for my neuropathy has left me extremely droggy. The Doc is weekly ramping me up to a much higher doseage, but it will be better after my bodily system adapts to it. So, I will try to complete my reply later ... that is, if my wife turns me loose long enough. It seems that her hobby/project (constructing a miniature city) requires my bandsaw skills.


    Daniel 11:35 ... a KEY prophecy that must be fulfilled before the "time of the end" gets underway.

  • 2SYN

    Hi Yadirf: 2SYN is just the handle I use when I hit postlimit with SYN. The name is just a coincidence - it's not supposed to mean what it says when you say it out loud! It actually just means 'second SYN'. I would have put my full normal nick, ---===[ S Y N ]===---, but the forum's registration script won't allow me to stick those characters in, only letters/numbers (*sigh*).

    The picture is from an ancient 80's advert for a home computer (you know those ones with the computer built into the keyboard that you could plug into your TV? Sort of like a ZX Spectrum?), and I just thought this guy looked so hilarious, that he displayed my personality perfectly. He is utterly advocating something really crap, and nothing will change his mind! Just like some of the posters on this board who we won't mention !

    The earlier in the forenoon you take the sun bath, the greater will be the beneficial effect, because you get more of the ultra-violet rays, which are healing. - The Golden Age

  • tyydyy

    I loved working by myself....I would walk slowly and deliberately but when I go to a not at home, I'd stay there at the door for a long time after I knew no one was coming. Call me selfish but I didn't want to do my fair share of knocking.


  • refiners fire
    refiners fire
    oftentimes they spend their time walking unhurriedly between residences while engaged in thoughtful prayer...

    None that I knew or worked with did this.
    Mainly they just talked about the latest movies they wanted to see, or we play acted and recited movie lines between doors.Or they talked endlessly about girls they fancied.
    For fun, back in my cong, they used to learn to say "Not at home" in different languages.Whoever knew how to say "not at home" in the most number of languages on a given day was the winner.
    We used to call it "Pioneer pace". That walk.

    Hey Yadirf. The only time they prayerfully meditated between doors was when they were working with one of the elders, or a very spiritual chick they wanted to impress!

  • JT

    Friday post has got to be one of the funniest this morning

    let's take a closer look at it, (you got to love how the wt makes it's members like Friday have to say the goofiest stuff to try and explain what everyone knows is Goofy)

    here we go:

    "I've seen some mail carriers"

    now this is an interesting anology, he compares himself and other jw to a Mail man, and i think it is an excellent comparison, why you may say, well as we all know what is the major portion of any mail carriers' mail-- is it not JUNK MAIL

    and why do they call it such, well is it not the useless flyers and phoney "On Sale" flyers you get and what do 99% of most folks do wiht JUNK MAIL, save it, catalog it for future reference, no they trash it, use it for the bird cage so to compare himself to the mail guy

    great example

    just think the mail man is carrying useless materail many times and the jw is suppose to be carry the MOST URGENT MESSAGE ON THE FACE OF THE EARTH and the move at snail mail speed

    he continues on by adding this funny line:

    "simply thinking to themselves about how they might've better handled the situation at the door they had just left"

    NOW THIS HAS GOT TO BE JOKE - WHAT WAS the situation at the door they just left, well in view of the fact that the avg territory in so many places produce 80-90% of NOT AT HOMES or should we say AT HOME BUT AIN'T ANSWERING"

    THIS IS funny i recall working apt complexes on SAT AM the lot would be completely full of cars yet we would work the entire thing in about an hour and leave with almost as many not at homes as there were units in the building

    so this line about thinking how they could have handled the situation at the last door is a joke.

    i guess he meant the person is trying to decide should he have written down the house number with a Blue pen instead of red


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