Friday post has got to be one of the funniest this morning
let's take a closer look at it, (you got to love how the wt makes it's members like Friday have to say the goofiest stuff to try and explain what everyone knows is Goofy)
here we go:
"I've seen some mail carriers"
now this is an interesting anology, he compares himself and other jw to a Mail man, and i think it is an excellent comparison, why you may say, well as we all know what is the major portion of any mail carriers' mail-- is it not JUNK MAIL
and why do they call it such, well is it not the useless flyers and phoney "On Sale" flyers you get and what do 99% of most folks do wiht JUNK MAIL, save it, catalog it for future reference, no they trash it, use it for the bird cage so to compare himself to the mail guy
great example
just think the mail man is carrying useless materail many times and the jw is suppose to be carry the MOST URGENT MESSAGE ON THE FACE OF THE EARTH and the move at snail mail speed
he continues on by adding this funny line:
"simply thinking to themselves about how they might've better handled the situation at the door they had just left"
NOW THIS HAS GOT TO BE JOKE - WHAT WAS the situation at the door they just left, well in view of the fact that the avg territory in so many places produce 80-90% of NOT AT HOMES or should we say AT HOME BUT AIN'T ANSWERING"
THIS IS funny i recall working apt complexes on SAT AM the lot would be completely full of cars yet we would work the entire thing in about an hour and leave with almost as many not at homes as there were units in the building
so this line about thinking how they could have handled the situation at the last door is a joke.
i guess he meant the person is trying to decide should he have written down the house number with a Blue pen instead of red