Why is it an accomplishment?
What did it accomplish? How did that benefit anyone?
It certainly isn't worthy of merit. It is pointless. Maybe it makes the adherants feel superior in some way. But it's all in their head.
It is an accomplishment because it's a difficult feat of personal strength. It takes strong faith to forsake your own body for the purposes of helping others. Relationships complicate life and take up a large chuck of time. If someone wants to fully dedicate themselves to any cause total chastity will provide a life free from distraction as to allow the person to fully focus on a certain pursuit. Chastity may be misused for the purposes of superiority, but that is not what it was established to accomplish. It was not created with egotism in mind. Nuns and monks have offered immeasurable assistence to humanity and their contributions should not be written off in any way. But to apply this precedent upon an entire religious population comes with unnecessary adverse effects. To call pursing a life of chastity a "pointless" endeavor is just a bias opinion from someone who doesn't really understand the subject at all.
In a new HBO show called "Game of Thrones" there is a character who is a eunuch. In one seen the character goes to a whore house to speek with a prostitute. When she tries to arrouse him she discovers his true nature and she becomes noticeably afraid. This is a good example of the power of sexual neutrality.
I am not sure how you can state this...how do you know what god finds morally acceptable?
Morality is subject to time and culture, but the reason for morality is practical as in the values are supposed to alleviate pain and suffering from the society they exist within. In the past having sex could cost you your life and the only way to control it was through abstinence. Technology and an enlightened society allows us to control the act of sex giving us more options besides simple chastity. What is morally acceptable to God is what works well and you don't have to be totally chaste in order to be a productive member of society therefore total chastity before legal marriage is not required in order to be considered godly.