She refused to Return His Calls After a First Date, Then in Rage, He Rants Out, Very Revealing

by Scott77 254 Replies latest social relationships

  • Cagefighter

    The weirdest thing that ever happened to old CF was a few years ago I went on a date with a gal I met online.

    She was in her early 30's, cute curly hair, seemed rather intelligent and nice. She wanted to meet and go to a movie for a first date. Which I thought was a little odd. The movie went OK, she wanted to hold hands, and make out a little. I figured she was really digg'n my chili as we say here in TX. I walked her to her car and chatted a bit, gave her a good night kiss and closed her car door for her.

    It felt like a good date with the exception of that god-awful perfum she wore waaaaaaaay too much of. I thought I would suffocate if I had to smell one more whiff of it. That is probably what kept me from asking her down to the corner bar for a night cap. But, I thought I could overlook it or maybe even politely suggest she use a little less in the future.

    I pulled out of the parking space. Smiled and waved good bye, she smiled and waved back. I drove 5 minutes down the street and stopped to get a six pack at the beer store. While I was standing in line my phone rang. She proceeded to give me an ass reaming like I have never received. It was like the prozac levels got low and her period started at the same time or something. She was pretty much incoherent. But what I could piece together was this.

    1. She doesn't understand why I cut the date off early. (We spent 15 minutes sucking face in the parking lot. She had plenty of chance to suggest something sex or a drink).

    2. She thought it was rude that I left with out saying good bye. (Again we hugged, kissed, bidded farewell, did the granny wave as you drive off etc..)

    3. She wanted to invite me over for coffee and sex, but since I am such a jerk..oh well. ( I might have if I could have washed the perfum off her first)

    4. Where do I get off being so conceited. (Well she has a point there, I am pretty dang awesome, ain't I?)

    I swear on my dog's life that is a true story. Needless to say, there was no second date. So guys can get the psycho treatment too! We just don't talk about all the time and call the person a stalker. We just figure it was another person having a bad day or going through a rough time.

  • Cagefighter

    Mrs Jones- That is the diff between men and women. Men don't think silence is kind it is a sign of disrespect. That is why some of these guys take it so personally. Yall don't have to attack me. I am just telling you why.

    We have a saying in my business, I deal with business owners all day. "Never pitch the bitch" is what they say. Women just won't tell a salesman no and just waste the day on the phone running up pointless conversations. We hear a female voice we hang up. We rather get a "no" in 10 seconds than 10 minutes for a maybe. Men don't take rejection personally unless they are really obsessed or fixated. The wasting time is what kills most guys. It's the way God made us.

    I already told yall what I do. I move'on at the first sign. For example, some girl off just decided to text me back to make plans for a date this weekend. She said she would get back to me on Monday. Guess what? She ain't ever going to hear back from me again. "Mike" will figure that out too one day if he doesn't jump off a bridge or get himself arrested first.

  • mrsjones5

    Not all women are like that and in this regard the woman said no by her silence. You can yammer on and on about how you think she owed the desperate slob a bone but after reading that stalker tinged pitiful email my 47 year old twenty year married brain is still gonna go with the woman doesn't own that man diddly squat.

  • botchtowersociety
    I hope you have learned to pick up the check.

    Lulz. Believe me, I have. This is not a woman to be trifled with.

  • Prognoser

    Interesting, CF. I love that bit about the prozac and her period. haha! I think the destructuve role reversal (another failure of sexual liberation) taking place in our society allows women to get away with things men can't get away with. Your story contrasted with the one of this thread is a perfect example. And I'd love to hear someone whine that men shouldn't be able to get away with it because they are "stronger". Yeah, I thought it was all about being equal? It's always about having their cake and eating it too.

    This is a big problem in North America. For the men pissed off with this predicament, I suggest finding a foreign woman. There are still cultures where women are women and men are men. North American women are just going to have to learn the hard way, when they wake up one day 40 years old, alone, and childless.

  • Robdar

    I agree, Jonesy. In his email he seems like a conceited, clingy, overly critical, dick. And I am sure it came across during the date. What woman would want that in her life? A girl might be intrigued but a woman would not.

  • Cagefighter

    Mrs. Jones- Again, you can't seperate the cause and effect from blame game. "Mike" is responsible for what he does and Mike is a whiny little bitch. I never said "Lauren" owed him shit. I simply explained why men "feel" this way. Some of us have figured out how to handle our emotions a little better than Mike, mostly for pragmatic reasons.

    Do I empathize with Mike? Hell yeah I do, any man that says he hasn't wanted to tell a girl off like that is a liar. Mike is not a stalker until he makes violent threats, actions, or starts showing up at places where he should not be. Until then he is just a pissed of immature guy.

    And women wonder how some guy like Akin get's confused about things like "illegitimate rape". This is exactly why. Some guys don't pick up on the little social protocols and circus hoops that women call "communication". Maybe they are a virgin, maybe they were raised in a cult and not allowed to date, maybe their mother died at birth and they grew up in a home with all guys and have no female friends. You don't Mike's story or his life.

    Lauren owes it to herself, not Mike to be a little more direct when cutting something off. The next time it might really be a psycho with a weapon at her door and not some whiny puke with an email.

    Men and Women communicate very differently and I always have to remember this when I am dealing with a woman. Women would be well served to do the same on occasion. We aren't their girl friends, we are a completely different animal with our own set of protocols and social ques.

  • Robdar

    Cage: And women wonder how some guy like Akin get's confused about things like "illegitimate rape".

    Not this woman. My husband did though. I had to explain it to him. So, please, do not make assumptions about the female gender.

  • Cagefighter

    Robdar- You had to explain "illegitmate rape" to your husband. I am so sorry. Or was he just shutting up so no one would get offended?

  • mrsjones5

    Well he's wrong to feel that way and she's right for leaving him twisting in the wind. Reading that email I hazard to guess that way the poor slob carried himself wasnt much better. But I just love how he stalked her (by doing a search of her email which she dd not give him), demanded an apology and then flipped by saying they should go out again. Yeah that's dating material alright.

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