Mrs. Jones- I hope you never have to deal with someone close to you or yourself that is truly stalked. I have dealt with some stalkers and most are truly mentally derranged and it becomes a hopeless situation very fast. Judging from the evidence presented this is just a whiny guy that took his emotions too far. I guess some folks only ambition in life is to be a victim.
She refused to Return His Calls After a First Date, Then in Rage, He Rants Out, Very Revealing
by Scott77 254 Replies latest social relationships
I hope that never happens to anyone I love either. Funny you say that cuz I don't wish that on anyone either. So I wonder why would you say that to me? You don't know me or any of my 47 years of life experiences. You don't know if anything like that has happened to me because I havent shared that with you.
Assumptions are a bitch.
Oh Burns be a man and tell him yourself. I'm not your messenger girl.
Well, he is looking over your shoulder, ain't he?
No, he's in pain and trying to take a nap right now. You're too late.
I hope he feels better.
Me too Burns. He's trying to sleep it off instead of taking the painkillers.
Las Malvinas son Argentinas
In my experience, there's hardly anything more dangerous than a man disappointed. Add desperation into that and you have a killer mix.
Creepy but true, somewhere there is a woman that would consider this guy her perfect match.
ships passing in the night, sniff.
Oh my God! I think Iamallcool's name is Mike!
LOL, It is not me. The names has been changed, I think. Let me read it again.
Here is what I read again : I am not Lauren, and cannot confirm or deny if the names were changed. I'm several degrees of separation from this whole thing. So barring the real Lauren/Mike coming forward, the story begins and ends here. I hope we've all learned something from this experience and that no one's feelings were hurt too badly.