Lulz. KS backpeddling right now. Anyone can tell where the link and text is, and where the poster's commentary is. No one else made that mistake but KS. It's chickenshit for KS not to admit he's screwed the pooch, and then try to cover with phoney made up rules. Turns out he runs his mouth before his brain is in gear.
"Reddit Atheism"
by botchtowersociety 57 Replies latest jw friends
King Solomon
Lulz. KS backpeddling right now. Anyone can tell where the link is, and where the poster's commentary is. No one else made that mistake but KS. It's chickenshit for KS not to admit he's screwed the pooch, and then try to cover with phoney made up rules. Turns out he runs his mouth before his brain is in gear.
LOL! Dude, dream on. I've been reading on Salon for over a decade now (my ex- was a professional writer, and wrote/published some pieces on Salon), but if you want to think whatev, be my guest....
Next time clarify and/or stand behind whatever you drag here, or better yet: if you just want to say "Atheists, STFU", just do it (I mean, really? Did you actually Google "Atheists Shut Up" to find that one, LOL?)
Is there such a thing as what this article describes?
Some of it.
Not sure there are any atheists preaching antitheism on subway platforms. But there is a subreddit called r/atheism which is quite often filled with people poking fun at religious beliefs.
KS, I will not allow you determine how I participate on the forum, nor will I allow you to put words in my mouth.
Protestations notwithstanding, you need to brush up on understanding something clearly before you respond. You jumped in half cocked and it just makes you look like a fool.
So far, Darthfader, Maninthemiddle, NewChapter, Farkel, Palmtree, and Lore have been on topic.
You have not. You lost the plot from the beginning.
You do not pass go. You do not collect $200. And may God have mercy on your soul.
Now can we get back on the subject? Please?
Nothing like an opinion peice demanding people with a different opinion to "shut up" aboout it....
The author is an idiot. That is my opinion.
- Lime
I agree. Sheesh... you can't touch some of these people. If I had to diss everyone who disagrees with me... -
NC, you are in my prayers.
Well you are not now, nor will you ever be in mine. I only put someone in my prayers when I'd really rather not be bothered to help, but look for a way to convince them I do want to help, and the prayer thing is very handy during those times. I may be abusing the concept, but that's what concepts are for.
You are still in my prayers, NC.
I will slaughter a baby sheep for you, BTS.
Bahhhhhhhhhhh! NC you are too kind.
Hey is that Dinesh DSouza in the yellow jacket??