Please note the reason for the OP was not to ask a question it was purely and simply a dig at atheists on this forum by the Xians on AGs forum. AG requested that this be posted.
"Reddit Atheism"
by botchtowersociety 57 Replies latest jw friends
Indeed! LOL
HI Q! I haven't seen you for a while.
Sorry - I've been playing online games with my little bro and got a little addicted:S
Hey Q! Glad to see you.
Fanatic atheism is just one of the fronts. The campaign against religion is fought at many levels. By discrediting religion and its significance, by ridiculing and insulting believers, and by promoting a culture contrary to everything religion stands for.
Some cults that control and manipulate people also do their job in discrediting all types of faith.
Once you have convinced everyone that religion is behind all of mankind’s problems, (I still remember that line from my years in the WT), people can be indoctrinated in your particular view of the world.
From what I have seen....
Such behavior, actions and thought is 'human nature' regardless of religious or non-religious belief....
Some evolve and some don't.
The 15 y/o atheist boy who is angry because he was forced to waste so many Sundays in church is so overplayed. Perhaps there is something in that experience that makes them so vocal. I suspect moth atheists quietly fade away from religion and have nothing to say about it.
One thing I have noticed about atheists who do programs and podcasts is that they talk about religion so much that I suspect they are obsessed with it. I used to tune into a radio show about 20 years ago and hear some positive things about the benefit of being an atheist and how wonderful it is. Nothing of the sort, instead it was show after show of bashing on religion.
It reminds me of when I got on the Moral Majority mailing list and found out over 50% of the column space in their publications was devoted to obsession with sex. Even Playboy doesn't have that much sexual content, though their's is much more interesting.
There are some atheists who are not angry and sometimes enlightening, so I don't mind plugging their podcast.
It is a good rule to avoid the toxic angry people in any group.
Not once in my life has anyone pestered me with atheism, but on a daily basis I get badgered by JW"S, televangelists, line ups at fast food restaurants, and even people walking down the street. Propaganda dropped off in public washrooms and religious propaganda scattered everywhere.
I was watching a discussion of astronomy last night on PBS. The discussion focused on a southern feature in the sky called "Cats Eyes". The report indicated that one of the stars appearance took several hundred light years for us to see, and the other 1600 light years away and is possibly 24 times the size of our sun. Carl Sagan said many times "billions and billions of stars". One night many years ago, I was star gazing on the northern tip of Vancouver Island. No light pollution whatsoever. The sky was all aglo as far as the eye could see.
The message? I truly believe that no one on this planet has a clue as to how all of this really appeared. What you believe about the universe, is probably a bunch of B.S.
Agnostics probably are more accurate in their beliefs that most others on planet Earth. Especially down South.