What are your views? Why beautiful women are attracted to ugly men?
by Scott77 53 Replies latest social relationships
I don't get it.
:Why beautiful women are attracted to ugly men?
Absolutely false! I know this from personal and first-hand experience!
A young guy brings his new girlfriend home to meet his Dad. After the son comes back from his date, the dad says, "Man! She's really ugly."
Son says, "Dad, beauty is only skin deep."
Dad says, "Well, you'd better skin her then!"
Two guys go to a packed out nightclub to meet women. The first guy is pretty normal, but the second guy is a social bozo. First guy spots a beautiful woman sitting alone at a table and the second guy tells him to go ask her to dance. So the second guy goes up to her and says, "Would you like to dance?" She says, "Why yes, I would!" Second guy says, "Great! Can I have your chair then?"
Guy takes out a beautiful woman on a first date. The woman is quite blunt early on as she says, "I'll be frank with you, I'm in this for the money. If you give me $300 I will do anything you want."
"Yes, anything."
So the guy hands her $300 and says, "Fine. Paint my house!"
(Sorry. I got a little carried away!)
I don't get it.
So the women you know are like that...
I know a guy that is really good looking- his personality is crap. Talked to him for 5 minutes when I first met him, and he went from good looking to ick. We actually nicknamed him "Ken doll", because it matches how he looks and his personality.
I'll go ask my wife
Rub a Dub
There couldn't possibly a solid answer to this~
Beauty is so subjective
Ugly is so subjective
I would guess, in observing many people over the years, that what I find attractive would sometimes be a surprise to others.
I actually laugh inside about it. Have seen plenty of men that give off an aire about them that says they think they are the cat's meoooow. And it is a huge turn-off. I'm sure it can be the same with women.
This much I can say, it's the entire person that has the allure...physical attributes, what we are born with, are only a portion of who we are. Men and women are born the way we are born... what can be attractive is how we come (no pun intended ! lol) into ourselves...
Modern feminists should be screaming their lungs out at the stereotypes portayed on the show, but yet they stay glued to the "fairytale" dates.
I doubt feminists stay glued to that show. I can't stand reality TV. I don't watch it. I'm a people-ist.
As for Tom Jones, he met his wife when he was a teenager and they are still married, unless she died since the last I heard. Tom is the type of guy who makes every woman, and some of the men, in the room feel great. Like the guy who takes a group of girls to the prom and buys them all corsages and dinner and none of them get jealous because he really likes girls and pays wonderful attention to all of them. Most guys have no clue how to pull that off. I knew a guy like that in 4th grade. He wasn't ugly and boy was he the charmer.
When it comes to marriage, women have good reasons to be sure a man has a good work history, a decent job and knows how to manage his money.