What are your views? Why beautiful women are attracted to ugly men?

by Scott77 53 Replies latest social relationships

  • DaCheech

    and I heard many on this board say that they would never marry a guy making less $$$ than them

  • DaCheech
  • FlyingHighNow

    Hey, Da Cheech, I don't know Tom's package size or how faithful he was to his wife though I have heard him say he still loves her dearly. I do know that people lie A LOT about celebrities, so I would take any stories about him, especially from Elvira with a grain of salt.

  • mamochan13

    the book The Red Queen, by Matt Ridley, makes some interesting observations about what attracts men and women. He says its basically evolutionary instinct. You choose a mate based on his/her reproductive and genetic potential. Genetic potential is not just looks, it includes things like intelligence, good health, earning ability.

    I think he is on the right track, although I don't agree with everything he says. Yes, "ugly" and "beauty" is in the eye of the beholder, but the things that attract us to a mate are very complex. We may not consciously realize it, but it is possible that we look for qualities we want in our children when we choose a mate.

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