I said the same in the previous post and many other places besides. Plus my exchange with Joker pointing out how JWs are retreating from trumpeting their numbers. What a ridiculous comment, but depressingly typical of your mischaracterisations.
On the other hand I've never heard you admit that JWs have better growth and spread than other comparable groups.
What I don't forget about mentally leaving the JWs is that I had an aversion for replacing one set of biases for another. Putting an overly negative spin on their statistics is not a service to anyone. Like I say, people are not dumb and can see right through that sort of thing.
What is a shame for lurkers is that your brand of spinning facts beyond stretching point to prove the JWs are wrong is the dominant perspective on the forum. I think it can be counterproductive to press the facts further than they will reasonably bear in this fashion. I believe that the unvarnished facts are more than enough to convince any JW who is ready to leave.