Despite the failings of many who claim to follow the Bible and believe it, this gives no excuse to dismiss it's contents. Thru the centuries it has proved reliable and remains the WORD OF GOD despite all else.
The Bible a reliable book!
by Truth Defender 31 Replies latest watchtower bible
Yeah! 'Cuz Truth Defender says so, dammit!
"We all do no end of feeling, and we mistake it for thinking." - Mark Twain
Oh boy ! .........Here we go!
I've had enough of this, for crying out loud! [>:(]
Despite the failings of many who claim to follow the Bible and believe it, this gives no exuse to dismiss it's contents.
"It's" is a contraction for "it is.""Its" is the possessive form of the pronoun "it."
For example:
"The initial post on this thread is dumb. Its vacuous remarks can only lead one to believe that it's a waste of precious board space."
P.S. What is "exuse"?
Truth Defender
Thank you for the correction.
Thru the centuries it has proved reliable and remains the WORD OF GOD despite all else.
Prove it.TR
I hold it to be the inalienable right of anybody to go to hell in his own way.
--Robert Frost, 1935 -
Thru the centuries it has proved reliable and remains the WORD OF GOD despite all else.
I know there are something that are reliable in the bible, it has led archeologist to different areas around the "Holy Land" to find different cities and places, but as a reliable book of science and historical events, even prophecy, it hits far from the mark.
Even the acredited writers are suspect of not really being the true writers. Some of the works in the bible are suspected of being rewritten from it's original state. A few of the books are even plegeristic,in that they were copied from earlier works and then credited to one that stole the writings. One example in the NT is the book of Luke. It is almost identical to the "Gospel of the Lord" that is an earlier writing, written by another follower of Pauls.
So your statement is not very accurate.
dedalus: it's/its is the worst offender.. Others I always notice are their/there/they're, affect/effect, whose/who's, have/of, loose/lose
How do you KNOW that the Bible is the word of God?
Because the Bible says it is?You need better proof than that.
Oh Truth Defender, you just slapped a hornets' nest. Good luck!
I'm with TR, please demonstrate your assertion that the bible "has proved reliable" and is in fact "the word" of a deity.
"As every one knows, there are mistakes in the Bible" - The Watchtower, April 15, 1928, p. 126
Believe in yourself, not mythology.
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