The Bible a reliable book!

by Truth Defender 31 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • clash_city_rockers

    Thanks for the spell check but you note you did not at all rebuttle the argument. I guess you all agree.

    Jesus is Lord,

  • tyydyy


    What arguement???????????????????


  • 2SYN

    Hey Truth Defender, if your 'loving' Society finds out that you came here you will be disfellowshipped sharp-ish!

    This is because this site has the chutzpah/audacity to question their hallowed 'teachings'. Remember, as a Dub you are not allowed to question the teachings of the WTBTS. It's against the rules. Oh, and did you know that you cannot voluntarily leave the Society? Only they are allowed to say when you are no longer a part of the Organization - not you. No, if you were baptized, they OWN your ass.

    Well, if your apostate-shields (device used by the faithful ones in order to ignore simple logic and facts) haven't flown up and your eyes screwed tightly shut yet, you might like to know a few little things about your chosen 'religion'. Click on these links, and keep an open mind.

    There are more sites linked from there.

    Remember, rather be a free rat than a lion in a cage!

    Trolls are people who come onto this board and say deliberately (sp?) flamish things, such as you did, and then wait and see lots of people getting excited and flaming them back. Flaming is when you write a reply filled with invective and vitriol against somebody, as a few people have already done. Posts like this are called flamebait. Your post is an excellent example of flamebait!

    If you are sincere, do some research.

    Soon you will not be so sincere, that is, if the programming hasn't taken so well yet, otherwise...well...what happens to you is up to the Society!

    The earlier in the forenoon you take the sun bath, the greater will be the beneficial effect, because you get more of the ultra-violet rays, which are healing. - The Golden Age

  • dedalus


    I'll refute an argument when

    1) You actually make an argument (not just an assertion).

    2) You write it out without making any spelling, grammar, or syntax errors.


  • ChuckD


    I find the most common offense on this board is the use of "your" rather than "you're" when meaning "you are"

  • ChuckD

    BTW, clash - one "rebuts" an argument.

  • funkyderek

    There's no point arguing with clash_city_rockers. He's a presuppostionalist, which by definition means he will never be swayed from his circular argument. It's also the reason he's not able to make any valid points. He doesn't understand why people won't believe unfounded assertions, in particular, the mythology which he has arbitrarily chosen to believe.
    If I was parodying the most absurd form of religious silliness, I could hardly do better than the following:

    Remember TD the bible is absolutly true and reliable because of the selfclaims that are in the bible and it reflects the unchainging and impeachable moral character of a Holy GOD. The bible claims are true and are outside the bounds of any tent of and independent of human testamony infact the Bible is the tent that testafies to man.

    No one is nutral
    All arguments are circular
    The question is how can we validate a curcular argument regarding theology?
    Answer: You begin with scripture
    Yes I am a Van Tillian Presupositionalist.

    It's true because it's true because it's true....
    Unfortunately, it appears that clash actually believes this. This means arguing with him is utterly frustrating and doomed to failure. He can never lose an argument because he doesn't understand or accept the basic rules of argument.

    "Theology is never any help; it is searching in a dark cellar at midnight for a black cat that isn't there. Theologians can persuade themselves of anything." -Robert A. Heinlein

  • SixofNine
    It's true because it's true because it's true....

    Straight to the point, funkyderek. It's frustrating to have to share atmosphere with someone this proud of their stupidity.

  • dedalus


    Your absolutely write.


  • willy_think

    the bible is inspired because the bible said it is inspired because the bible is inspired. circular argument

    The bible is inspired because willy_think said it is inspired because the bible is inspired. Lack of authority.

    Both statements are untrue. There exists a historical fact that the bible was assembled and declared an inspired book by the Church.

    What is in debate is: did this Pope and counsel have the Christ given authority and the holy sprite's protection from error needed to declare the bible inspired?

    I find that often when people say the bible is "true" they are saying the Bible is to be understood as a historical document that we should intrepid literally. I believe this is a big mistake, by insisting on a literal interpretation of the bible we place it in a cage of events sealing up the deeper meaning of the stories. The bible is useful and helpful in the teaching us that there is a new law of love and salvation is through the Christ. It's not the beginning and the end, if we put it in that place, we usurp Jesus HE IS THE BEGINNING AND THE END. the bible is a useful and helpful book declared inspired by the successors of the apostles.

    The Great and Powerful Oz:

    pay no attention to the man behind the curtain

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