The odd thing about not driving a car for 7 days or sleeping in your own bed or looking up at the sky or---just walking into the kitchen for a snack---
is that, once you get those simple freedoms back they suddenly seem more like...... miracles.
Now, I'm crazy enough ask myself if I've been missing the "numinous" part of life all along.
Not just the "fear and trembling" or bat shit fanatical tendency to see what is Holy on a grill cheese sandwich, either.
I'm talking about the miraculous ability of a piece of meat inside our own skull to find enormous beauty and satisfaction in walking out of a darkened artificial enviornment (like a hospital) into bright sunshine and have the morning wind rustle past your pant legs chasing leaves into the grass----and taking a sudden breath. Holding it. And saying "Wow".
Life! LIFE!
Sounds. Smells. Warmth on your eyelids.
The taste of oxygen in September air. The feeling of your own body weight on legs carrying you to a car.
The air-conditioning as you drive.
The front porch of Home.
Miracles. All so numinous. Personal. Splendid and impossible.
I'm drunk on life.