Can you, personally, handle the truth?
I get goosebumps in anticipation when I hear opening statements like this, lol.
As regard the title and apparent angle, it's the hard sell right outta the gate and for me, that raises a flag (as it should, no pun intended) The implication is that large scale conspiricies are true and that contesting or rejecting these is a failure to objectively assess the situation because one is in a crisis of belief vs facts
To imply that there is a sinister, behind the scenes invisible hand at work whose intent is to enslave and harm the masses is more analogous to witness belief than not IMO. Only the cause is different; the simple greed and corruption of people in power, not an invisible spirit bogeymen. If anything, I think it easier to be seduced by such claims and familiar lines of thinking than to be skeptical of same, especially when is in a vulnerable crisis of belief. There are xjws who dive right into it with fervor and rabidity not unlike that of the most hardcore dub. And to be fair, yes, there are xjw who outright reject said claims/theories with the same passion. And then there are those who don't really give a shite. What is obvious is that only those who voice their opinion are noticed.
Now, I'm not one to paint the world with a rose colored brush by any means. I've no doubt of corruption, greed and plain evil in the world; this is fact. What I personally am skeptical about is the network of people and logistics required to secretly engineer such a colossal lie, such as 911, the moon landings or similar large scale conspiricies. Watergate is a prime example of only a small operation by a handful of professional liars and savage thugs who couldn't even pull off a simple burglary/coverup and when it all began to unravel, those involved deserted the ship like rats interested only in their own survival. Human nature at work that seems at odds with what it would take to keep such a lie alive. The more complex the machine, the more maintainence it needs and the easier it breaks down. This is a "truth"
The way I see it, the believing jw doesn't have CG, just denial or wishful thinking with blinders on. There aren't multiple conflicting truths, only one. CG doesn't really kick in until one questions and doubts, when what is believed is at odds with what one sees, feels or experiences. Change is constant, human nature is not static. When an xjw finds a replacement worldview they're comfortable with, CG in this repect is greatly diminished, if not gone altogether. One has been freed to choose what to believe and once settled, truth has become less absolute and more personal.
And it ain't no crime to have a strong opinion, whether it be for or against the topic at hand, or any for that matter. It's a good thing actually. 911 may be a conspiracy of a gov allowing, even planning to have 3000 of it's middle class registered voters killed, maybe we never landed on the moon, but I don't think so.