New to the forum. Just wanted to say hi.

by WalkTheWalk 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • WalkTheWalk

    Hi all!

    I am 45 years old and have been inactive for about 8 years or so. I was basically raised in the truth (sounds funny... truth?), my dad is an elder, my father in law is a MS, my brother goes to mtgs, my wife has been raised in it, so it's all around my life. I did serve as a MS once, not for too long.

    The thing is, I never made it real to me. I agree with most of the principals, but I have a hard time with feeling like there are requirements and stipulations to properly be accepted and looked upon as a good person.

    My life I have led as a "double" life. My wife was a Reg. Pio. for some time, but now she's not going to meetings. We don't do anything but keep to ourselves. We've lost all of our friends, no one, except for some family members, check on us or calls us.

    My wife doesn't know I'm part of this forum. I tell her we'll go back if she wants to. I've just lost the desire.

    That's the short of it. There's more I could expand on, but you get the jist of it.

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    Welcome. If you want to get your head around it all then there's no shortcut to lots of reading lol....

  • james_woods

    Hi. Welcome to JWN.

    Have you examined their doctrines and "prophecies" and found fault with any of that?

  • Heartofaboy

    Hi WTW good to hear from you.


  • Magwitch

    Welcome Walkthewalk!

    Glad to hear you and your wife were able to walk away together.

  • WalkTheWalk


    I am a logical thinker, but not a philisophical thinker. I have studied their doctrines and prophecies. I do notice that they tend to change the meaning of them and say the "Light" gets brighter and brighter. Translation to me: "We don't know what the hell is going on, so we'll give it the best guess" and we have to put faith in those words.

    Believing in a pipe dream? Not me. I never had a moment that I felt Jah as being tengeable, something real. I could be wrong, but it's been force-fed to me for many years.

    I do live a wholesome life, am kind to others, and really don't think I could bash others for choosing to stay in the org. I would never try to convince someone to leave. I would just express how I feel about it. I let them make up their own mind.

    I don't know... I just know I feel I can breathe again since I've stopped going.

  • J. Hofer
    J. Hofer

    you walk the walk - do you talk the talk? oh.. it's the other way around...

    welcome to the forum and congrats for being out of sight from the watchtower. there's no freedom with watchtowers around.

  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    Hi Walk the Walk! Welcome!!! Breathing is good, isn't it.

  • Gayle

    Welcome,,it sounds like you sense something is not right in the WTS, not right for you at least. I hope you find out more "why" it didn't work for you. There are reasons why the WTS doesn't want anyone to do serious 'independent' research other than through their own literature. We were required, as children, to accept the WTS reasoning and read only WT literature. Bluntly, we got our brains "scrambled" or at least "snarled." We must "read" a lot to 'untangle.'

    For a start, please review the facts on:

    Then, please read (download) Ray Franz's book 'Crisis of Conscience.' A former GB member, now deceased. He, for truth, was of the humblest among them, though accused otherwise. He was a missionary for many years and then became 'researcher' at Bethel. The research for him, gave him quite a new evaluation as experiencing the inner circle policies, and histories.

    There are Steven Hasson with a couple books to later to identify the high control groups and negativities.

  • Balaamsass


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