Quendi, you'll have to forgive me.I am not based at home at the moment and I have perennial problems accessing the pms - esp. on my laptop. I have several attempts to access pms and keep getting "error messages". From comments others have made on this site, they too have trouble opening up the pms. I recall seeing a thread about this problem some time back. I followed it but there appeared no resolution.
Born Gay in a JW World
by krejames 35 Replies latest members private
Enjoyed your story. I think there are many going through your same experience in the organization. Thanks for sharing
Thanks for sharing your story. I'be always thought there could be nothing more loneley than being a gay JW. Being stuck in a lousy marriage for 28 years is close though! (Obviously my history) .
Your story refutes the WBTS literature that used to say (I 've been out a while) that homosexuality was a choice.
Your experience shows that if you could have chosen to be straight you would have. It's such a load of garbage. I 'm glad you are able at last to live for yourself, not a religion. I cant believe God could love you any less. I totally understand why you would want to stay in for your family (for now). You do what you have to do, but get out of there before they suck your soul dry.
And maybe you can do a little reverse witnessing, drop a word here and there to open up some of those closed minds a little. I've found people that think think they hate gays until they find out that someone they know is, then they realize that they are *big surprise* just nice, normal people. Who'd a thunk?
hi krejames,
I would love to put your story on freeminds.org. If you are alright with that, could you edit out the personal ID stuff and use it? You could help a lot of young men in your situation. If you like you could email me at [email protected].
Thanks for reading my story - I'm glad some found it interesting/worthwhile telling. :)
Dogpatch - I'll see what I can do to remove the identifiers without losing too much.
Thanks again all
Caught this story late but it's well told and mirrors my life growing up a gayjw. I remember the endless teenage years of self-loathing.
In a way being gay was our excuse for escape. It wasnt till later I learned of the lies.
It does get better.