Whether or not the 'Dateline' program ever airs, the Watchtower
Society is still going to get pounded by bad press over the coming
months and years.
Why should they care? The publishers, generally, are ignorant
and willing to believe whatever they're told. Who cares if they
get branded as protectors of child molesters?
Well, there's always the cash flow to consider!
I wonder what will happen to individual and corporate contributions
in the wake of so many exposed coverups. I also wonder what effect
their exposure will have on property being bequeathed to the
Society. There is a slowly deepening malaise in most U.S. congregations, so I wonder if court scenes will cause publishers
to say "So, that's where our contributions go!".
Ordinary Witnesses must endure a continuing decline in 'services'
offered by the Society - less literature, no food at assemblies,
no subscriptions, lower standards for elders, etc. - so what will
continuing scandal do to revenue?
All of which makes me say: Legal victories are not enough.
Watchtower magazines now filled with platitudes are not enough.
Their near total avoidance of doctrinal defense is not enough. Even
if they avoid costly lawsuits, their future decline remains.
The future of the organization is in your hands. You have the
power to force change on the elderly Pharisees who are running this
sad mess. Call it blackmail - or whatever you want - you lawyers
can force this organization to resemble some semblance of
Christianity - specifically, the humane treatment of the disfellowshipped, the truthful acceptance of acts of charity,
and the END of the blood transfusion fraud.
You have the power to do this!
wouldn't be sad to think that the only hope for moral reform
of this twisted religion - lies with lawyers?