Why They fear 'Dateline'

by metatron 21 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • metatron

    Whether or not the 'Dateline' program ever airs, the Watchtower
    Society is still going to get pounded by bad press over the coming
    months and years.

    Why should they care? The publishers, generally, are ignorant
    and willing to believe whatever they're told. Who cares if they
    get branded as protectors of child molesters?

    Well, there's always the cash flow to consider!

    I wonder what will happen to individual and corporate contributions
    in the wake of so many exposed coverups. I also wonder what effect
    their exposure will have on property being bequeathed to the
    Society. There is a slowly deepening malaise in most U.S. congregations, so I wonder if court scenes will cause publishers
    to say "So, that's where our contributions go!".
    Ordinary Witnesses must endure a continuing decline in 'services'
    offered by the Society - less literature, no food at assemblies,
    no subscriptions, lower standards for elders, etc. - so what will
    continuing scandal do to revenue?

    All of which makes me say: Legal victories are not enough.
    Watchtower magazines now filled with platitudes are not enough.
    Their near total avoidance of doctrinal defense is not enough. Even
    if they avoid costly lawsuits, their future decline remains.

    The future of the organization is in your hands. You have the
    power to force change on the elderly Pharisees who are running this
    sad mess. Call it blackmail - or whatever you want - you lawyers
    can force this organization to resemble some semblance of
    Christianity - specifically, the humane treatment of the disfellowshipped, the truthful acceptance of acts of charity,
    and the END of the blood transfusion fraud.

    You have the power to do this!

    wouldn't be sad to think that the only hope for moral reform
    of this twisted religion - lies with lawyers?


  • Amazing

    Excellent Metatron! Your mention of lawyers at the end reminds me a joke I will post when I find it in my files ... it is about the 7 Stages of a Project ... and ends with Lawyers stripping the dead, and emptying their wallets.

  • RunningMan

    Actually, the society does not even need anyone to make them look bad. Consider the front page of the Edmonton Journal on Monday, with the article about the shunning of the father who allowed his daughter to have a blood transfusion. That newspaper serves a population of about 1.2 million people. That article sickened people and turned them off of JW's forever - and best of all, they did it to themselves.

    The ongoing thorn in the Society's side - apostates with their internet tool, is fearsome to them, but it is not their biggest problem. Their biggest problem is the fact that their idiotic doctrinal system has quite simply been proven wrong by time. 1914 is long gone and nearly forgotten. The old drum is not attracting much attention.

    Their biggest problem right now is lack of conversions. The baptism numbers (after deducting children) are nearing zero. Without fresh blood the organization will shrink and age.

  • 2SYN

    Unfortunately, the Legal Dept. can jump up and down on their cute little podiums till they are blue in the face, and this will change nothing, because the Society reached critical mass nearly 80 years ago. Now there can only be a very gradual decline, not a spectacularly large number of people leaving. It's a complex business, leaving the Society.

    The earlier in the forenoon you take the sun bath, the greater will be the beneficial effect, because you get more of the ultra-violet rays, which are healing. - The Golden Age

  • RunningMan

    I agree that there will not be a mass exodus from the organization. There is currently a dearth of conversions, which will lead to slow growth and increasing age of the members.

    These two problems will compound for the Society. When a prospective convert walks into a hall and sees a small group of old farts, they will be even less inclined to join.

    We are in the process of passing the Zenith of the organization. Their future will be boring and mildly depressing for them.

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    Yes, the big boys brought this mess on themselves and the friends will have to suffer for their leaders LACK OF VISION!

    People will wonder if the next witness at their door is a PEDOPHILE! I hope the KM will offer some suggestions to oversome that objection, excuse me, bomb shell.

    Guest 77

  • Carmel

    Counting baptised children is only a form of whistling in the dark. When only one out of six remains an adult dub, it's lights out for the next generation..

    So sad, so many abandoning Jah when he needs them so...


  • jeffory


    your comments are right on the money.

    contributions are the first thing to dry up in the wake of bad publicity. a recent 60 minutes was profiling the false advertising claims of the red cross during some fire disaster's . they were totally exposed and whats more they came across as arrogant and not willing to acknoweledge any need to change.....guess what during the next emergency in that area contributions plummeted.

    sounds alot like the WT. I know the first thing to go in our case was that yearly check .

  • bluesapphire

    To chime in, that was THE first thing to go for us too. Since my husband never wrote them any checks anyways, as soon as I became disgusted enough my $200/mo checks stopped. It triggered some "shepherding calls" since my husband was working out of town. They asked, "Is there anything you would like to discuss? Is there anything bothering you?" What they really wanted to say was, "We missed your contribution this month, sister!"

    This is definitely a heresy from anxient and orothodox Christianity. Like all heresies, it will pass even if it takes another generation. The next one will surely be the last!

  • Farkel


    : Excellent Metatron! Your mention of lawyers at the end reminds me a joke I will post when I find it in my files ... it is about the 7 Stages of a Project ... and ends with Lawyers stripping the dead, and emptying their wallets.

    Keep it under a dozen pages, damnit! And if you want to present it for consumption on this board, keep it under 3 paragraphs.

    Be sure and be monosyllabic, too. Some on this board have a hard time with any material more than several paragraphs in length and any words that would challenge one to look in the dictionary and find their definition. In otherwords, words more than two syllables.

    Just offering you some friendly advice, Amazing. Consider your audience, and don't overestimate them. As if that was possible.

    Farkel, waiting for the flames Class

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