Why They fear 'Dateline'

by metatron 21 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Farkel


    I like your stuff. Sometimes, your stuff is just wishful thinking, though, but I still cheer for you.

    : The future of the organization is in your hands. You have the
    power to force change on the elderly Pharisees who are running this
    sad mess. Call it blackmail - or whatever you want - you lawyers
    can force this organization to resemble some semblance of
    Christianity - specifically, the humane treatment of the disfellowshipped, the truthful acceptance of acts of charity,
    and the END of the blood transfusion fraud.

    :You have the power to do this!

    Your fatal flaw in this plea is too obvious: you are assuming that these men have any morals or any character. In that you are remiss, and that is sad for them and sad for you. Sad for all of us who care, actually.


  • TheOldHippie

    Could some of the enlightened US folks please tell us desperately unenlighetened non-US folks what exactly the "Dateline" is? I see it referred to ever so often, but since all of you citizens of God's own country seem to be oh! so familiar with it, it is never explained to us heathens from the Dark Continents.

  • morrisamb

    Has anyone here contributed to the Dateline program?

  • metatron

    Thanks, Farkel

    Part of my aim is to resonate with the hidden private thoughts
    of those who maintain this twisted religion. I would hope that
    the lawyers, at least, carry some practical sense of enterprise
    or judgement about the future. We know the half senile GB


  • lv4fer

    Dateline is a newsprogram. On NBC

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Hey, OldHippie, don't feel inferior!
    We in the States know NOTHING about Ozzie TV, but we don't get our bloomers in a twist over it!

    Here's a link to Dateline's
    homepage: http://www.msnbc.com/news/DATELINE_front.asp?cp1=1

    By the way, I don't understand why anyone hopes for the "moral reform" of the WTS. I believe it has been demonstrated that the WTS/JWs, aka "Dubs" are a false religion no different from Santaria (another form of blood-worship). If the religion was of God, God would not have permitted the bullshit that has gone on with them. They cannot become "of God" if they never were to begin with.

    Of course, I could be wrong...

  • waiting

    Back to the money thing.........contributions are down, as are baptisms. But the areas of potential growth are 3rd world countries, at least for several generations - until more uniform education & computers in homes takes hold.

    The WTBTS will have to rearrange their PR some - but they'll survive, imho, for quite some time. But as others have said - they'll most likely do it mainstream, kicking and screaming all the way.


    ps: 2 paragraphs and several double sylable words, just for the hell of it, Farkel. At least I know how to use punctuation, if improperly at times.

  • bluesapphire

    Hey Farkel: Don't underestimate all of us idiots! Some of us actually appreciate Amazing's and your hard work with your insightful threads. And some of us lowly dim-wits could learn a thing or two from such highly intelligent ones as yourself!

  • Celia

    Yearly Checks, Monthly Checks, to the Society ?

    And the nice ladies who came to my door were always telling me that, unlike other churches, no money was asked at the Kingdom Hall...
    Can you elaborate ? Is it like the Mormons who give 10 % of their income ? The Catholics in France may contribute once a year, families in the parish get an envelope that they can return with any amount they wish to donate...

  • Sunspot

    >>And the nice ladies who came to my door were always telling me that, unlike other churches, no money was asked at the Kingdom Hall...<<

    Hi Celia,

    It's hard for me to stifle a large HAH!

    OK, so they don't pass a basket, a plate, or a hat at the Kingdom Hall, but the last time I was inside one ( Spring of '99), there was a place for contributions for the literature and special orders we picked up, the KH Building Fund, the Fund to bring missionaries home to the US for a District Convention, and the "regular" contribution box for the KH's needs (electric bill, water bill, snow plowing bill [upstate NY], etc).

    And then the "pledge slips" passed out when they wanted to rebuild, remodel, or relocate, each baptized member had to pledge a specified amount per month to pay, and were REMINDED every month about their "obligation to Jehovah" yadayada.

    And the incurred expenses when the CO visited....his gas, his car repairs, a portion to share in his car insurance, etc.


    At every assembly or convention, there were pleas for MORE donations for the cost of "renting/heating/lighting/parking" the building we were "priveledged" to be sitting in, even if it was a WBTS-owned assembly hall....they used to tell us from the platform that each person attending should pay $7.00 (or whatever they had "broken down" the expenses to) even when most of us had spent every spare penny we could scrape up (hotel rooms, meals, travel to and back home costs) just to be able to BE there as commanded....the old guilt trip speeches began to be expected programming on the last day of a convention, or the last "talk" at a Special One-Day or Circuit Assembly.

    So Celia, don't let'em sell you THAT line of nonsense! The Watchtower STILL has it's hands in your pocket, but they're just more slick in their approach.

    Shredded families and ruined lives;
    The WBTS has MUCH to answer for......



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