>>And the nice ladies who came to my door were always telling me that, unlike other churches, no money was asked at the Kingdom Hall...<<
Hi Celia,
It's hard for me to stifle a large HAH!
OK, so they don't pass a basket, a plate, or a hat at the Kingdom Hall, but the last time I was inside one ( Spring of '99), there was a place for contributions for the literature and special orders we picked up, the KH Building Fund, the Fund to bring missionaries home to the US for a District Convention, and the "regular" contribution box for the KH's needs (electric bill, water bill, snow plowing bill [upstate NY], etc).
And then the "pledge slips" passed out when they wanted to rebuild, remodel, or relocate, each baptized member had to pledge a specified amount per month to pay, and were REMINDED every month about their "obligation to Jehovah" yadayada.
And the incurred expenses when the CO visited....his gas, his car repairs, a portion to share in his car insurance, etc.
At every assembly or convention, there were pleas for MORE donations for the cost of "renting/heating/lighting/parking" the building we were "priveledged" to be sitting in, even if it was a WBTS-owned assembly hall....they used to tell us from the platform that each person attending should pay $7.00 (or whatever they had "broken down" the expenses to) even when most of us had spent every spare penny we could scrape up (hotel rooms, meals, travel to and back home costs) just to be able to BE there as commanded....the old guilt trip speeches began to be expected programming on the last day of a convention, or the last "talk" at a Special One-Day or Circuit Assembly.
So Celia, don't let'em sell you THAT line of nonsense! The Watchtower STILL has it's hands in your pocket, but they're just more slick in their approach.
Shredded families and ruined lives;
The WBTS has MUCH to answer for......