Obama is really the Love child of Miles Davis.
I'm going to see 2016 Tomorrow Morning!
by Farkel 78 Replies latest jw friends
did you watch the youtube clip, designs?
FYI all, the Dreams from my real Father, movie is now available on Netflix-
Defamation-also called calumny, vilification, traducement, slander (for transitory statements), and libel (for written, broadcast, or otherwise published words)-is the communication of a statement that makes a claim, expressly stated or implied to be factual, that may give an individual, business, product, group, government, religion, or nation a negative or inferior image. This can be also any disparaging statement made by one person about another, which is communicated or published, whether true or false, depending on legal state.-wikipedia
Am I the only one who has noticed, that after 4 years of being a punching bag for the birthers, Obama has failed to sue anyone for defamation, libel or slander? A simple dna test would settle these Franks Marshall Davis daddy stories- Obama's private lawyers could easily file a lawsuit and if the facts are on their side, they would win in court.
Obama, as a private citizen, has been invited to court on Oct 22nd-10AM, his attorneys can either submit evidence or another empty chair.
rather be in hades
he's the president. he has to remain above all the bs like d'souza's movie
if bush went about prosecuting everyone that called him a nazi, he'd be in court until he died
President Clinton thought he could "be above it all", too, until his dna was found on Monica Lewinski's blue dress.
rather be in hades
and yet he didn't go about trying to sue anyone for defamation...
obama isn't going to waste time going after morons like d'souza. he's the president.
bush didn't go after people calling him a nazi
i dunno what people called clinton, but he obviously didn't go after them.
it's the nature of the job. people will say stupid things about the president no matter who it is.
i can only imagine what southerners said about lincoln
or what the wealthy said about fdr
or what corporations said about teddy roosevelt, and taft.
d'souza never met him, never interviewed him, as far as i can tell, hasn't even said hello to him.
but knows everything about him and his inner thoughts and feelings...
i'd rather see what michael lewis has to say considering he had tons of access to the president before writing his book
RBIH- hold on to that thought, if it comforts you. Others who aren't satisfied with Obama's polyanna puffery would prefer to get down to the "real" truth about his life. You don't spend a million dollars in legal fees guarding an empty box-- the equivalent to the blue dress is in that box.
rather be in hades
if d'souza wanted to get to the real "truth" about his life, then he'd have interviewed him at least once. i', flabbergasted anyone would take this film seriously. he's just another donald trump trying to rile up the birthers for a quick buck. trump with his sinking show and d'souza with a junk "movie"
i doubt very much d'souza believes this stuff. every time i see him on a talk show, or giving a speech, nothing about him seems like he believes this stuff. him being on glenn beck says a lot
then he'd have interviewed him at least once.
hahahaha- Obama ran away from the news conference when his lawyers released the scan of what was claimed to be his Hawaii BC last April of 2011- he never answered one question- he will never have an interview with a hostile jounalist-
I imagine that neither would Mitt Romney grant such an interview, unless the questions were submitted in advance and they reserved the rights to EDIT the copy before publication- this is standard practice today! No agreement= no interview. The public has been fooled into thinking the mainstream news media is serving up the unadulterated facts- It's not like in the old times when Nixon was investigated for Watergate and Congress had some teeth.