What Do You think About Watchtower View on the Use Of Mother's Natural Milk Banks and Milk-Sharing Practices?
by Scott77 14 Replies latest social current
If there's money in it . . . they will set up collection devices in the women's loos at the convention sites, with a scriptural truth printed on it to encourage generous giving.
Is there anything the GB arent against?
HM sisters would have been asked not to feed baby in the KH?
I think, the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witneseses would ban the feeding babies due to public exposure of breasts. They would reason, many states ban this practice
I hope and pray they come out against public breast feeding. It would drive my JW wife nuts. She is a lactation consult and strongly believes in all things breast milk related.
Considering one of the major components of early milk (colostrum) is leukocytes, I would be interested in learning their position on it, because they are so dead set against the transfusion of major components of blood, including leukocytes.
Funny how female mammals were "created" with the ability to feed our young and provide precious immune properties via leukocytes in colostrum, but when it is derived from blood, it's forbidden by the so-called "Creator".
still thinking
I think they should stop drinking cows milk too.....ROFL
No more cheese for them...and black coffees.
rip van winkle
I've seen babies being breast fed while in the lobby at Patterson. Not a single breast was exposed. It was handled so discreetly. It's ridiculous to expect mom's to go feed their babies in a rest room.
Has the WT expressed its view on the use of breast milk?
" Has the WT expressed its view on the use of breast milk?"
I don't know but my father (uber jw) was extremely against my breast feeding my babies. He claimed that formula was better for them and when I refused to listen to his misinformed drivel he proceeded to call my babies "tittie baby".
Scully makes a great point.
Mothers milk has White Blood Cells in (leukocytes).
If JW's are not to eat blood or it's main components, how can mothers milk be acceptable? No messing with terminology like 'transfusion', babies EAT these cells.
WT says White Cells make up about 0.1% of blood, and as a Primary Component they are banned.
WT says Hemoglobin makes up about 15% of blood. This is not a Primary Component, so is acceptable.