What Do You think About Watchtower View on the Use Of Mother's Natural Milk Banks and Milk-Sharing Practices?

by Scott77 14 Replies latest social current

  • InquiryMan

    This is an American cultural thing.... The sentiments against breast feeding are not the same everywhere... In my country of Norway public display of breast feeding is everywhere and most people accept that without any problems whatsoever.

  • james_woods

    Jeezus - is there absolutely NO ASPECT of personal life that these old grunts will not try to meddle in and control?

    I remember a frenzy back in the late 70s in which they went on a buzz-jag about "natural childbirth" including use of midwives instead of doctors, birth at home (in the bathtub, believe it or not) and such were actually promoted in the Awake magazine. My theory at the time was that encouraging childbirth was a reaction to the downturn in numbers following the failure of the 1975 prophecy.

    The "natural childbirth" was not exactly a rule - it was more like circumcision. Strongly advised and supported, but not quite required.

    This was at about the same time that they were teaching the human heart had a thought capability (like the brain), but usually with evil intent.

  • Simon Morley
    Simon Morley

    I am with SPLASH: Why has the WT not come out against sharing brest milk which is rich in blood components otherwise banned?

  • BluesBrother

    Awake 2003 3/22 p29 "Watching The World"

    There is simply no better food for newborns” than breast milk, writes neurosurgeon Dr. Sanjay Gupta in Time magazine. “Breast-fed babies have lower rates of hospital admission, ear infection, diarrhea, rashes, allergies and other medical problems than bottle-fed tots.” Breast-feeding is also reported to protect against respiratory illnesses. A Danish study concluded that “adults who as babies were breast-fed for seven to nine months had higher IQs than those who were breast-fed for two weeks or less.” The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that a child be nursed for six months and, if possible, for a year or more. “It turns out babies aren’t the only ones who benefit from breast-feeding,” says U.S.News & World Report. A study of 150,000 women in 30 countries revealed that “every year a woman breast-feeds she cuts her lifetime risk of developing breast cancer by 4.3 percent.” Yet, “only half of American mothers breast-feed, for an average of two to three months.”

    In my wife's K Hall there is a small room with a removable sign " Mother and Baby - Room in Use" . Breastfeeding Mums can use it at The Hall. Any negatives are only about privacy and embarrassment to some.

  • BluesBrother

    Afterthought.. They have no objection to "blood components" like white cells in milk or red cells in bone marrow transplants. It is only veinous blood taken by donation or eaten from a non bled carcass that is objected to.

    Don't ask me why. There does not have to be a reason. This is J W dub La La land , remember????

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