Blondie's Comments You Will Not Hear at the 09-02-2012 WT Study (TRUE FREEDOM)

by blondie 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • blondie

    Comments You Will Not Hear at the 09-02-2012 WT Study (JULY 15, 2012, pages 7-11)(TRUE FREEDOM)

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    “[Peer] into the perfect

    law that belongs to

    freedom.”—JAS. 1:25.


    What is “true” freedom? According to the bible, was Adam provided a body of laws or elders to define God’s wishes? While the bible says God provided a written body of laws for the Jews, weren’t they complete in themselves? Did God need humans adding on or expanding those laws taking away each individual Jew’s freedom to exercise their intelligence and wisdom? The bible says that when Christ came he took away the 600 laws and the man-made ones and replaced them with only 2, love God to the best of your ability and love other humans as you would yourself. But it wasn’t long before Jesus’ followers were adding and expanding in Acts 15.

    The WTS likes to say that individual jws choose personally not to vote or not to serve in the military or to take a blood transfusion. But they fail to mention that individual jws who personally choose to do any of those things are also choosing to be shunned totally by their jw family, friends, any jw who is aware of their “choice.” Yet the WTS chose to associate themselves with the UN, the scarlet colored wild beast of Revelation (per WTS interpretation) as a non-governmental organization which the UN requires the support the UN charter violating the previous neutrality they say that jws violate when they join the military.


    What law leads to true freedom,

    and who benefit from that law?

    What is the secret to gaining

    true freedom?

    What freedom awaits all who

    stay on the path to life?

    1, 2. (a) What is happening to the world’s freedoms, and

    why? (b) What freedom lies ahead for Jehovah’s servants?

    WE ARE living in a time of increasing

    greed, lawlessness, and violence. (2 Tim.

    3:1-5) In response, governments make

    more laws, strengthen police forces, and install electronic

    surveillance. In some countries, private citizens

    try to increase their safety by installing alarm

    systems in their homes, as well as extra locks and

    even electric fences. Many refuse to go out at night

    or to let their children play outside unattended—day

    or night. Clearly, freedom is on the wane, and the

    trend will likely continue.


    So the world outside is increasing in greed, lawlessness, and violence. What about the WTS? Can people become jws and know that their children are safe from jw pedophiles, from jws who cheat them financially, from people whose fervent hope is that God soon destroys all non-jws forever, men, women, and children, 7 billion.

    I remember the jws who had the book study at their home that had to lock their bedroom doors because marauding jws going to the bathroom took a little detour and helped themselves to cash and jewelry. Or the jw grandson who robbed a meeting at gunpoint, or the 2 jws who left the window open while at the KH, and came back and robbed it, or the jw couple who sold drugs out of the restrooms at the KH.

    2 Back in the garden of Eden, Satan asserted that

    the key to true freedom is independence from Jehovah.

    What a malicious and monstrous lie that

    has proved to be! Indeed, the more that people disregard

    the moral and spiritual boundaries established

    by God, the more society as a whole suffers.

    This worsening condition also affects us as Jehovah’s

    servants. Nevertheless, we have the hope of

    seeing an end to mankind’s enslavement to sin and

    corruption and of enjoying what the Bible calls “the

    glorious freedom of the children of God.” (Rom. 8:

    21) In fact, Jehovah has already begun preparing his

    servants for that freedom. In what way?


    So when does the bible mention Satan, not in Genesis. Not until 1 Chronicles 21:1.

    Did Eve (assuming she was real) know she was talking to a rebellious angel, named Satan and Devil? How could a perfect human be fooled into believing a talking snake, would you an imperfect human as the WTS defines us.?

    Every time the WTS conceals pedophiles in their midst and cut off any spiritual avenues to the victims, jws suffer. But it is fellow jws doing the damage not the so-called Satan ruled non-jws.

    What about God allowing polygamy until the 1 st century, and in the WTS until 1947?

    Freedom means the destruction of all non-jws soon very soon, and eternally per the WTS.

    3. Jehovah has given Christ’s followers what law, and what

    questions will we consider?

    3 The answer lies in what the Bible writer James

    called “the perfect law that belongs to freedom.”

    (Read James 1:25.) Other Bible versions render this

    phrase “the law that makes us free” (The New English

    Bible) and “the perfect law of freedom” (The

    New American Bible). Normally, of course, people

    associate law with restrictions, not with

    freedom. What, then, is “the perfect

    law that belongs to freedom”? And how

    does that law make us free?


    I always wondered why the WTS has stopped quoting scriptures, only snippets and citations that jws have to be directed/ordered to read during the WT Study. How many jws use scriptures, even one, in the door to door introductions, when explaining their beliefs without running home and doing research or getting an elder to explain it.

    Remember that the OT was directed to Christians called by holy spirit to be resurrected as spirits to rule with Christ in heaven.

    Why is the WTS able to quote from bibles other than the NWT yet directs its members not to do the same?


    4. What is “the perfect law that belongs to freedom,”

    and who benefit from it?

    4 “The perfect law that belongs to

    freedom” is not the Mosaic Law, for that

    code made transgressions manifest and

    was fulfilled in Christ. (Matt. 5:17; Gal.

    3:19) To what law, then, was James referring?

    He had in mind “the law of the

    Christ,” also called “the law of faith”

    and “the law of a free people.” (Gal. 6:2;

    Rom. 3:27; Jas. 2:12) “The perfect law,”

    therefore, encompasses everything that

    Jehovah requires of us. Both anointed

    Christians and the “other sheep” benefit

    from it.—John 10:16.


    Is there any mention though in Galatians, Romans, or James of anything other than spirit-anointed Christians?

    Tacking on John 10:16 without explanation of the WTS application makes this an assertion without proof. Can jws really say “the bible teaches” or will they say “the Society teaches”?

    *** w98 3/15 p.19 par.4 Living Up toChristianDedication in Freedom***

    In order to avoid misunderstandings, Jehovah’s Witnesses try to be careful about how they express themselves. Instead of saying, “the Society teaches,” many Witnesses prefer to use such expressions as, “the Bible says” or, “I understand the Bible to teach.”

    5. Why is the law of freedom not burdensome?

    5 Unlike the law codes of many countries,

    “the perfect law” is neither complex

    nor burdensome but consists of

    simple commandments and basic principles.

    (1 John 5:3) “My yoke is kindly

    and my load is light,” said Jesus. (Matt.

    11:29, 30) Additionally, “the perfect

    law” has no need for a long list of sanctions,

    or penalties, for it is founded

    on love and is engraved on minds and

    hearts, not on tablets of stone.—Read

    Hebrews 8:6, 10.


    Torah = 600+ laws

    Talmud = 613 more (probably more than that)

    Jesus = 2 laws

    1 st century Christians = starting in Acts 15 more and more laws

    No long list—look at a copy of the current elder’s manual or this list in the WT-CD index, engraved on minds and hearts?

    *** dx86-11 Disfellowshipping***

    grounds: w98 3/15 22; w92 7/1 19; w89 9/15 18; w88 4/15 26-27; it-1 788

    absolute endangerment of mate’s spirituality: w88 11/1 22-23

    apostasy: w89 10/1 19; w86 3/15 15; w86 4/1 30-31; w86 10/15 31

    bestiality: it-1 292

    bloodguilt: w06 9/15 30

    blood transfusion: jv 183-184

    dishonest practices: w86 11/15 14

    drunkenness: it-1 656

    employment involving gambling: w95 5/15 23

    extortion: w89 1/15 22; it-1 789

    extreme physical abuse of family members: lv 221; g01 11/8 12; fy 150; w88 11/1 22

    fits of anger: w10 6/15 30; lv 221; g01 11/8 12; g97 6/8 20; fy 150; g93 2/8 14

    fornication: w06 7/15 29-30; it-1 863

    fraud: om 142-143

    gluttony: w04 11/1 30-31

    greed in relation to bride-price: w98 9/15 25

    gross uncleanness: lv 137; w06 7/15 30-31

    loose conduct: w06 7/15 30-31

    lying: w09 6/15 18-19; lv 163; g00 2/8 21

    obscene speech: lv 136-137

    persistent gambling: w89 7/15 30

    polygamy: jv 176

    pornography in certain cases: w06 7/15 31

    promoting sects: it-2 886

    reviling: lv 138; w96 7/15 17-18; it-1 991; it-2 802

    sexual abuse of children: g93 10/8 10

    slander: w89 10/15 14; om 142-143

    subversive activity: w95 10/1 31

    use of tobacco: w06 7/15 30-31; w95 5/15 23

    whether violation of secular law is: w86 10/1 31

    willful nonsupport of family: lv 220-221; w88 11/1 22



    6, 7. What can be said about Jehovah’s standards,

    and why is the law of freedom liberating?

    6 The boundaries that Jehovah has set

    for his intelligent creatures are for their

    benefit and protection. Take, for example,

    the physical laws that govern energy

    and matter. People do not complain

    of being oppressed by those laws. Rather,

    they appreciate them, recognizing

    that natural laws are essential for their

    welfare. Likewise, Jehovah’s moral and

    spiritual standards, reflected in “the

    perfect law” of the Christ, are for man’s



    Set by God or additions by the WTS?

    Do not complain about physical laws….but find a way around them…e.g., leaving the gravity of the earth and landing on the moon and returning.

    Moral standards = adultery was a capital offense for all Jews under the law, unless you were the king (David) and God decided in your case you could be forgiven.

    7 In addition to being a protection,

    the law of freedom allows us to satisfy

    all our proper desires without harming

    ourselves or encroaching on the rights

    and freedoms of others. The secret,

    then, to being truly free—being able to

    do what we desire—is to cultivate the

    right desires, those that harmonize with

    Jehovah’s personality and standards. In

    other words, we have to learn to love

    what Jehovah loves and to hate what he

    hates, which the law of freedom helps

    us to do.—Amos 5:15.


    “proper” desires, “right” desires – decided by God or the WTS, flipflopped over what is proper sexually in a marriage.

    hate “what” and hate “who” = don’t let the WTS fool you

    DoI not hate those who are intensely hating you , O Jehovah, and do I not feel a loathing for those revolting against you? With a complete hatred I do hate them . They have become to me real enemies.” (Psalm 139:21, 22)

    (Matthew 5:43,44)43 “YOU heard that it was said, ‘You must love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ 44 However, I say to YOU: Continue to love YOUR enemies and to pray for those persecuting YOU;


    *** w97 12/1 pp.19-20 par.15‘***

    The Scriptures clearly indicate that Jehovah does not forgive unrepentant, hardened sinners. (Hebrews 6:4-6; 10:26, 27) What about us? Insight on the Scriptures says: “Christians are not required to forgive those who practice malicious, willful sin with no repentance. Such become God’s enemies.” (Volume 1, page 862) No Christian who has been a victim of extremely unjust, detestable, or heinous treatment should feel forced to forgive, or pardon, a wrongdoer who is not repentant.—Psalm 139:21, 22.

    Remember that the WTS teaches that God can read hearts, but humans cannot. So the scriptures that say that God does not forgive unrepentant humans, cannot apply to humans as the WTS does here.

    And here again the WTS shows how it speaks out of both sides of its mouth.

    *** w11 12/1 p.25***

    “Continue showing mercy to others, doing so with fear, while you hate even the inner garment that has been stained by the flesh.” (Jude 22, 23) We should therefore hate what is bad but not the person who does what is bad.

    8, 9. What benefits come to those who adhere

    to the law of freedom? Illustrate.

    8 In our imperfect state, we struggle

    to subdue wrong desires. Nevertheless,

    as we loyally adhere to the law of

    freedom, we taste its liberating powers

    even now. To illustrate: A new Bible

    student named Jay was addicted to tobacco.

    When he learned that his habit

    displeased God, he had to make a decision.

    Would he continue to submit to

    his flesh or would he subject himself to

    Jehovah? Wisely, he chose to serve God,

    even though his flesh ached for nicotine.

    How did he feel after overcoming

    his habit? “I felt wonderfully free and

    overjoyed,” he later said.


    Tobacco = how many jws realize that until the end of 1973, jws could smoke. I knew some that went behind the KH during the 15 minute break between the talk and the WT study for a drag. I had jw family who smoked. And while the “scriptural” basis is buried in the initial 1973 WT articles, it was considered spiritism, not a health issue.

    *** w73 6/1 pp.338-339 pars.14-15***

    Even worldly governments have been moved to issue serious warnings against the danger of tobacco use. Do, then, persons who have not broken their addiction to tobacco qualify for baptism?

    The Scriptural evidence points to the conclusion that they do not. As has been explained in other issues of this magazine, the Greek word phar·ma·ki′a used by Bible writers and translated “practice of spiritism” or “spiritistic practices” has the initial meaning of “druggery.” (Gal. 5:20; Rev. 9:21) The term came to refer to spiritistic practices because of the close connection between the use of drugs and spiritism. Tobacco was also used initially by the American Indians in this way. It can properly be placed, therefore, in the category of addictive drugs like those that provided the source for the Greek term phar·ma·ki′a.

    9 Jay learned by experience that the

    world’s freedoms, which allow people

    to ‘mind the flesh,’ actually enslave,

    whereas Jehovah’s freedoms, which

    mean “the minding of the spirit,” set

    free and lead to “life and peace.” (Rom.

    8:5, 6) Where did Jay find the strength to

    overcome his enslaving habit? Not within

    himself; it came from God. “I regularly

    studied the Bible, prayed for holy spirit,

    and sought the loving help willingly

    extended to me by the Christian congregation,”

    he said. These same provisions

    can help us all in our quest for true freedom.

    Let us see how.


    But if Jay slips up………………

    *** w06 11/15 p.30 par.21***

    Elders can provide spiritual help in various ways. For instance, suppose a brother who in the past had a drinking problem drank too much once or twice when home alone. Or perhaps one who long ago abandoned the use of tobacco smoked privately a time or two in a moment of weakness. Although he has prayed and believes that God has forgiven him, he should seek the help of an elder so that such a sin does not become habitual. An elder or two might handle the situation.


    10. What does it mean to “peer” into God’s


    10 James 1:25 reads, in part: “He who

    peers into the perfect law that belongs to

    freedom and who persists in it . . . will

    be happy in his doing it.” The original

    Greek word translated “peers” means

    “to stoop to look into,” which implies

    concentrated effort. Yes, if we want the

    law of freedom to affect our mind and

    heart, we must do our part by diligently

    studying the Bible and prayerfully meditating

    on what we read.—1 Tim. 4:15.


    What is the original Greek word; why is the WTS so bashful? Not even a reference to a Bible Greek lexicon. This word perhaps:

    I can remember the days of agape, storge, eros, and philia, and whole study articles built around those words on Sunday.

    11, 12. (a) How did Jesus stress the need to

    make the truth our way of life? (b) As illustrated

    above, what danger must young ones in particular


    11 At the same time, we must ‘persist,’

    or endure, in applying God’s Word,

    thus making the truth our way of life.

    Jesus expressed a similar thought when

    he said to some who believed in him:

    “If you remain in my word, you are really

    my disciples, and you will know the

    truth, and the truth will set you free.”

    (John 8:31, 32) To “know,” says one reference,

    here means also to have appreciation

    because “what is ‘known’ is of value

    or importance to the one who knows.”

    Thus, we “know” the truth in the fullest

    sense when we make it our way of life.

    Then we can rightly say that “the word

    of God” is “at work” in us, molding our

    personality so that we more closely reflect

    our heavenly Father.—1 Thess. 2:13.


    So is every WTS policy/doctrine based on a scripture? What scripture is this policy based on? None are listed in either the old or the new elders manual.

    stayed all night in the same house with a person of the opposite sex (or in the same house with a known homosexual) under improper circumstances


    Do I still crave some of the “freedoms” of the world?

    Young man talking on cell phone with feet up on desk (what?! Do we assume that this is a personal call on work time??)

    I assume that the same guy is playing some game at during a KH meeting and the sinner has no suit coat on

    Same guy has t-shirt with logo on it at high school being hit on by a non-jw girl

    Same guy is at a party where everyone is drinking beer (high school = underage) and a couple is kissing in the back (Now I know there were parties like this among jws, no chaperones, where the landlord called the father of one brother to complain about the used condoms all over)

    Have I made the truth my way of life?

    Any young man pre-studying the WTS publications

    This guy has on a tie AND a jacket and is raising his hand like a good boy

    (so do the young jws do more than read the answer out of the paragraph?)

    This guy does not have on a shirt with a logo and he is waiving the girl off

    (based on the posters we get on JWN that are dating jws….how realistic is this?)

    No beer at this party and an older man is coming in with a tray of beverage (chaperone) For once female jws are at a casual party without skirts on, so women can wear slacks.

    12 Ask yourself, ‘Do I really know the

    truth? Have I made it my way of life? Or

    do I still crave some of the “freedoms” of

    the world?’ Looking back on her youth,

    a sister who was raised by Christian

    parents wrote: “When you grow up in

    the truth, Jehovah is always there, as

    it were. But in my case, I never really

    got to know him. I never learned to

    hate what he hates. I never believed that

    what I did mattered to him. And I never

    learned to go to him when I was in trouble.

    I leaned on my own understanding,

    which I now know was ridiculous because

    I knew nothing.” Happily, the sister

    later realized that her thinking was

    very wrong, and she made some major

    changes. She even began to serve as a

    regular pioneer.


    Actually, do I really know what the bible says or is the final word, “what will the elders say” or “what does the Society say”? How many jws realize that the latter determines their status in the congregation?

    How many young jws have sat through 6 to 7 hours weekly of indoctrination and “know nothing.” Maybe a deliberate decision to stay ignorant until they can leave physically. In this area 1 out of 20 teenagers stay. There are few male jws coming up to recruit as MS or elders. Notice how her comments lack detail, what does she think God hates now?


    13. How does God’s holy spirit help to set us


    13 At 2 Corinthians 3:17, we read:

    “Where the spirit of Jehovah is, there

    is freedom.” How does holy spirit contribute

    to our freedom? Among other

    things, it produces within us qualities

    that are essential to freedom—“love, joy,

    peace, long-suffering, kindness, goodness,

    faith, mildness, self-control.” (Gal.

    5:22, 23) Without those qualities, especially

    love, no society can be truly free

    —a fact that is obvious in the world today.

    Interestingly, after listing the spirit’s

    fruitage, the apostle Paul added:

    “Against such things there is no law.”

    What did he mean? The fruitage of

    God’s spirit is not restricted by any law

    that can limit its growth. (Gal. 5:18) After

    all, what would be the point of such

    a law? It is Jehovah’s will that we cultivate

    Christlike qualities forever and display

    them without restriction.


    Is this a quote from the OT, justifying the use of “Jehovah”? (2 Cor. 3:17) No. Notice how the WTS clips off part of the scripture without mentioning doing so.

    (2 Corinthians3:16,17) . . .. Now Jehovah is the Spirit; and where the spirit of Jehovah is, there is freedom.

    How many elders or MS know the names of the NFL football teams but cannot name the fruits of the spirit or the names of the 12 apostles?

    There is no law against love then unless you are a member of the WTS and are told that you cannot love those whose sins have not been forgiven by a body of elders, self-proclaimed imperfect men.

    If the leper or the woman with the blood flow or the Samaritan woman had been in a congregation of jws, they would not have been shown the love the Bible says Jesus did.

    14. In what ways does the world’s spirit enslave

    those who submit to it?

    14 Those who are enthralled by the

    world’s spirit and who indulge their

    fleshly desires may think they are free.

    (Read 2 Peter 2:18, 19.) The reality, however,

    is quite the opposite. Mountains

    of rules and regulations are necessary

    to curb their hurtful appetites and behavior.

    “Law is promulgated, not for a

    righteous man, but for persons lawless

    and unruly,” says Paul. (1 Tim. 1:9, 10)

    They also are slaves of sin, driven to do

    “the things willed by the flesh,” which

    is a cruel master. (Eph. 2:1-3) In a way,

    such individuals are like insects that

    crawl right into a bowl of honey. Driven

    by their appetite, they soon find themselves

    entrapped.—Jas. 1:14, 15.


    Notice how the WTS does not list what they consider fleshly desires but leave room for its members to try and guess what they are, only to find that the definition varies from congregation to congregation, from elder body to elder body where there are “mountains” or written and unwritten rules. Where people becomes slaves to men, not God, “men pleasers.”



    15, 16. How important is our association with

    the congregation, and what freedom do we enjoy?

    15 When you began associating with

    the Christian congregation, you did not

    join some sort of social club. Rather,

    you came into the congregation because

    Jehovah drew you. (John 6:44) What

    moved him to do so? Did he see a righteous,

    God-fearing person? “Not at all!”

    you may say. What, then, did God see?

    He saw a heart that would be receptive

    to his liberating law, a heart that would

    submit to his kind influence. Within

    the congregation, Jehovah has nurtured

    your heart by feeding you spiritually,

    setting you free from religious falsehoods

    and superstitions, and by teaching

    you how to develop the Christlike

    personality. (Read Ephesians 4:22-24.)

    As a result, you have the privilege of being

    among the only people in the world

    who can rightly be called “a free people.”—

    Jas. 2:12.


    So what is the WTS definition of a “social club”? You can’t associate with non jws at work, at school, non-jw relatives. So you can’t go out to eat, bowling, see a movie, have people over for a meal and/or watch a DVD, go on a picnic, take a walk through a park, put up a badminton net in the back yard and hit a bird around, go swimming, what do they mean?

    Doesn’t the bible say that people would be drawn by how people care about them, show love? Are they saying that can only be done in a formal, religious setting? That if people say hi to you at the KH, but not on the street, or 20 years have gone by and you have never been to their house once for a meal or had them accept an offer from you? Or do you find that no one ever calls when you are ill or a family member is seriously ill, or you never receive a sympathy card when your non-jw relative dies?

    Where is Jesus, are not people drawn to him? Hard to imagine if he is never mentioned much except as a bridge to an individual’s everlasting life.

    16 Consider this: When you are in the

    company of those who love Jehovah

    with all their heart, do you feel afraid?

    Do you find yourself constantly glancing

    over your shoulder? While engaging

    in conversation at the Kingdom Hall, do

    you keep a firm grip on your belongings

    lest they disappear? On the contrary!

    You feel at ease and free. Would you feel

    that way at a secular event? Not likely!

    What is more, the freedom that you enjoy

    now among God’s people is just a

    foretaste of the freedom that lies ahead.


    Why not “in the company of those who love Jehovah AND JESUS with all their heart”?

    I was in several congregations where we had to keep a grip on our possessions…purses rifled and contribution boxes broken into. And doesn’t even count the accounts servants that “borrowed” from the donations. So non-jws can be sure that there are no known pedophiles in the congregation that without knowing somehow their children will be safe. How evil the WTS paints non-jws, certainly they are people deserving of the eternal destruction soon to rain on their heads and their children.



    17. How is mankind’s freedom related to “the

    revealing of the sons of God”?

    17 When discussing the freedom that

    Jehovah has in store for his earthly servants,

    Paul wrote: “The eager expectation

    of the creation is waiting for the revealing

    of the sons of God.” Then he

    added: “The creation itself also will be

    set free from enslavement to corruption

    and have the glorious freedom

    of the children of God.” (Rom. 8:19-21)

    “The creation” refers to mankind with

    the earthly hope, those who will benefit

    from “the revealing” of God’s spirit anointed

    sons. That revealing will begin

    when these “sons,” resurrected to

    the spirit realm, share with Christ in

    cleansing the earth of evil and preserv-

    ing “a great crowd” into the new system

    of things.—Rev. 7:9, 14.


    Earthly servants = today only jws

    The WTS teaches that only anointed Christians then and only anointed jws today are “children of God.” That the so-called other sheep will not be brought into the family as “children of God” until passing the final test of loyalty at the end of the 1,000 year reign of Christ.

    Yes, the WTS arrogantly feels that Christ is not enough that they are and will be the conduit to Christ and God.

    That they will be destroying all the non-jws, 7 billion plus, men, women and children, eternally, no resurrection for them.

    18. How will freedom increase for obedient

    mankind, and what freedom will they finally


    18 Redeemed mankind will then experience

    a completely new freedom

    —freedom from the influence of Satan

    and the demons. (Rev. 20:1-3) What a

    relief that will be! Thereafter, Christ’s

    144,000 fellow kings and priests will

    continue to liberate mankind by progressively

    applying the benefits of the

    ransom sacrifice until Adamic sin and

    imperfection have been fully erased.

    (Rev. 5:9, 10) Having proved faithful

    even under test, humans will have attained

    the very perfection of freedom

    that Jehovah has purposed for them

    —“the glorious freedom of the children

    of God.” Think! No longer will you

    struggle to do what is right in God’s

    eyes, for your entire organism will have

    been perfected and your personality will

    have been fully transformed according

    to God’s image.


    Of course, the WTS leaves out that Satan and the demons won’t be destroyed then but will be on ice for 1,000 years to be let loose on humans.

    Progressively = what does that mean? Will the man with one leg progressively have it grow back? Will those with illness progressively get well? Is that what Jesus did when he healed?

    How is it that the same imperfect people who say they are anointed jws instantly go to heaven with all their sins? Not only that, they are awarded immortality. They go from imperfection to perfection in the blink of an eye, and the rest of imperfect humanity requires 1,000 years.

    19. Today, what must we continue to do in order

    to remain on the path to true freedom?

    19 Do you long for “the glorious freedom

    of the children of God”? If so, let

    your mind and heart continue to be influenced

    by “the perfect law that belongs

    to freedom.” Yes, diligently study

    the Scriptures. Live the truth, making it

    your own. Pray for holy spirit. Take full

    advantage of the Christian congregation

    and the spiritual food Jehovah provides.

    Do not let Satan deceive you,

    as he deceived Eve, into thinking that

    God’s ways are unduly restrictive. To be

    sure, the Devil can be very clever. But

    as we shall see in the following article,

    we need not be “overreached by Satan,

    for we are not ignorant of his designs.”

    —2 Cor. 2:11.


    Yes, do you long for the destruction of over 7 billion non-jws, including unknowing children, whose parents were never given a witness?

    Remember that danger lies with those we think we can trust more than strangers. Disregard the 1981 article that says not to put the WTS to the scriptural test as the Bereans put Paul to the test. Remember it was Peter who was sent to Cornelius, a Gentile, who the bible says received holy spirit while in an unbaptized state; yet later it was Peter who separated himself from the Gentile Christians in Galatia.


    School will be starting, fall is coming early here. Many people are going back to flooded homes, burnt homes, and the hottest year on record. Our garden survived and parts thrived with a little watering. We never know what tomorrow brings. True freedom is what we carry in our hearts and minds and the ability to use the intelligence we have.

    Next week, SERVE THE GOD OF FREEDOM = serve the WTS actually. Remember whoever we give up our freedom to, we are their slaves.

    Love, Blondie

  • BlindersOff1

    Hi Blondie

    Nice work. If you get time could you tell me where it says this ""Why is the WTS able to quote from bibles other than the NWT

    Why is the WTS able to quote from bibles other than the NWT yet directs its members not to do the same ??"

  • NeverKnew

    Help. I don't know one meeting from another.

    The friends that I have go the same night every week and then on Sunday. Which one is the "study?"

  • jeanpicard

    I had a hard time sitting through this article at the meeting this past weekend. I recently finshed reading the novel Freedom by Jonathan Franzen, and Franzen explores the concept and meaning of real freedom far better and more accurately than the Watchtower did.

  • EmptyInside

    Wow,Blondie,what Kingdom Hall did you attend,lol,all those thieves and drug pushers.

    The illustrations irritated me. It's like all non-Witnesses are always up to no good. They truly show extremes.

    If you really want to be irritated just go to a Watchtower study to hear all the ,"I'm still drinking the kool-aid comments."

    Apparently,born-ins have it so easy,since they never developed bad habits they have to struggle to control. That comment is just plain ignorant. The sister who gave that comment should try going through school as a Witness child. And be coerced to get baptized before they turn 13. And then,if they have doubts later on in life,just watch all their Witness family turn their backs on them. Okay,"sister",us,born-ins are truly blessed.

    Sorry,I had to rant somewhere.

  • baltar447


  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    So where did Jay really find strength to overcome his enslaving smoking habit?

    In paragraphs 8 & 9, WT failed to mention; what especially helped Jay stop smoking was wearing a smokers’ nicotine patch that Satan’s world manufactures, and watching those fear instilling television commercials that Satan’s world produces of smokers dying of lung cancer.

  • blondie

    The elders received a letter dated May 10th 2011 re: Public Speakers and it stated under the subheading "Reading from Scriptures"

    Scriptures should be read by the speaker rather than requesting a volunteer from the audience. The New World Translation should be used, if available. There may be occasions when the speaker desires to read from the New World Translation and thereafter briefly mention the way that another translation renders a phrase or verse. Good judgment is needed in this regard.

  • witchtowerwitch

    this girl is a thinker and very bible smart as well!

  • blondie

    One week night

    Congregation Bible Study (once called Book Study)

    Theocratic Ministry School

    Service Meeting


    Public Talk

    Watchtower Study

    "study" is a misnomer as it is merely an exercise in reading a paragraph and having people parrot back the answer in the paragraph

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