And here is the hugely unscriptural teaching being restated once more:
"Thereafter, Christ’s
144,000 fellow kings and priests will
continue to liberate mankind by progressively
applying the benefits of the
ransom sacrifice until Adamic sin and
imperfection have been fully erased.
(Rev. 5:9, 10)"
Where in the Bible does it ever say that anyone but Jesus can give us the benefits of the ransom? Certainly not at Revelation 5:9, 10. Hebrews 9:24-28 says Jesus offered his blood up once for all time, not once for the anointed, who can then take it and dole it out at a rate of 1/1000th per year to everyone else. There is no scriptural support whatsoever for this teaching, and not once in the numerous times I've seen it has there ever been a supporting scripture that actually proves it. They usually don't bother citing a scripture next to it.
The other problem this creates is that it nullifies Revelation 7:9-14, which says the great crowd washes its robes and makes them white in the blood of the Lamb and serves day and night in the temple. Now apparently, those robes require a 1,000-year cycle in the big Ransom Washing Machine, a Subsidiary of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, Inc. Hope you brought a lot of quarters! But seriously, if they're still not wearing white robes until 1,000 years later, then this group simply does not exist, as no such individuals emerge from the great tribulation wearing white robes. And thus, the anointed have no one to rule over for a thousand years. Well, except those not in the non-existent great crowd that get resurrected....but let's not even go there...
I'm not sure most JWs even realize what is being said here, but how ironic that disagreeing with this would be apostasy. Saying that only Jesus, Jesus alone, can apply the value of the ransom to our apostasy. A rejection of...true Christianity.