Hey Hoo, can you produce these letters?
If Russell Were Alive Today He'd Be DF'd For
by Dutchie 55 Replies latest jw friends
Now I read in a book recently that his wife said something about the adopted daughter and Russel in the trial. Thus my claim that people revealed that his wife accused him of pediopheila. Again I stand corrected.
People have somany opinions about Russel that it is hard to determine what is fact. I have to rethink my entire view of Russel after readind about him in a book I just got. To distinguish opionion from fact is sometimes difficult.
I would like the FULL transcripts as I only have been able thus far to obtain partial transcripts. I will check out kents site as well.
I have to do more research on Russel to get a more accurete picture of him.
p.s. I will be more careful with what I read.
The Bible is a two edged sword wield it for evil and it you may get hurt.
I wonder about something though.
1) If Russel wasent a Freemason or did not associate with them, why did he supposedly use their symbols on the cover of the Watchtower?
2) Why was a pyramid erected over his gravesite? The pyramid bore a Fremason symbol as far as I am told.
Thake these statements with a grain of salt because the credibility of my source is in question.
I would like to hear more about them though.
Notice the cross with the crown over it in the top left corner.
Is that a freemason symbol?
Do you notice any other pagan symbols?
This url has close ups of Russels gravesite and its location.
Actually, the Cross and Crown symbol although used by the Masons, is NOT a free Mason symbol. It has been around for some 1500 years. And is currently used by various denominations. A careful search on the net under cross and crown should do the trick.
As to the Pyramid. It is a teaching adopted by Russell from others such as Seiss and Smyth, two well respected scholars. The Pyramid is not ON Russell's grave, it is near his grave, and was erected by Rutherford as a testimony. It served as the Societty's cemetary marker. But nevertheless, The pyarmid is not a mason symbol neither. Unless you think the mason built the pyramid.
Russel I think associated with the freemasons. I think I have a quote where he was addressing masons. I will look it up.
Other things concern me also.
The early biblestudents did certain things that are very suspect.
1) They called themselves the menial dawnist.
I am told that that term has ties with the occult.
Not to mention that the DAWN Bible students were spawned from the Russilites.
Later witnesses concern me because.
2) They expected the NEW WORLD ORDER.
That also was ties with the occult.
People who are trying to bring the world under one rule.
This stuff is really scary when you look into it.
The Bible is a two edged sword wield it for evil and it you may get hurt.
Actually the "Studies in the Scriptures" was originally called "Millennial Dawn." The name of the series was changed because as Russell tells it, 'people thought it was a novel.'
The Term "Millennial Dawners" was not an 'adopted' name but a name gived to the BIble Students by detractors, in the same way they called them 'Watch Tower people' or 'Russellites.'
As to the name, I think it is very scriptural. Granted the term "Millennium" does not appear in the Scriptures, but a millenniaum is a thousand years, and that is exactly how long Christ's kingdom will last. The scriptures also tell us that "Weeping may endure for a night, But joy comes in the morning." (Psalm 30:5)We live in a dark world controlled by Satan, the scriptures attest to that. The Kingdom when it finally dawns, will change that.
As to the JW's 'New World Order' it's a term that the JW's describe Jehovah's Kingdom. You are right when you say "People who are trying to bring the world under one rule" because that is exactly what God will do through his son Jesus, "bring the world under one rule," God's rule.
You're quite right, Rolando, that Russell's wife never accused him of pedophilia. In one of the divorce trial transcripts it becomes clear that Rose Ball was in her early 20's (it's been awhile since I read this so don't ask for references). Maria Russell accused C. T. of fooling around with an adult woman, not a child. During the trial Russell made statements that indicated that Rose Ball was a girl of about ten at the time Maria said she found her sitting on C. T.'s lap. So it was C. T. himself who set himself up for accusations of pedophilia. Unfortunately, various commentators over the years took C. T.'s statements at face value and never picked up on the clear statement in the trial that Ball was an adult when C. T. was fooling around with her. Note that C. T. never denied Maria's accusation of catching him with Ball on his lap, but only tried to minimize it by giving the court the impression that he was acting in a fatherly manner towards a child in his care.
RR, here are the letters.
". . . and we would assure you of our perfect confidence in you as the servant whom God has chosen to give the 'meat in due season to the household.' Sincerely, your sisiter in Christ, C.M.E., Ohio" (WT, 15 May 1906, p. 150).
"I have the fullest confidence in you as that servant whom the Lord has so highly honoured as to place him as steward over the truths now due the 'household of faith'. With kindest regards and Christian love, your brother in Christ, J.T.J., Virgina" (Ibid).
"I think of you as that faithful steward whom the Master made ruler over all his household to give meat in due season. . . . Yours in Christ, our Redeemer, (Mrs) S.K. Story, Arkansas" (WT, 15 February 1908, p. 63).
"Beloved Brother, it has been our thought this year to send you some slight token of the great love we have for you as God's appointed servant and channel for dispensing the 'Meat in due season' to the Household of Faith.... Your loving sisters, by his grace. North Island, New Zealand" (WT, 15 November 1915, p. 351).
The last letter is especially interesting when compared with what Russell wrote in an earlier watchtower.
". . . that at the time of the parable's fullfillment the Lord would appoint a servant in the household to bring these matters to the attention of all the servants. . . ." (WTR, 15 April 1904, p. 125).