Great post James.
Do you ever just start CRYING for apparently no reason?
by Terry 32 Replies latest jw friends
The only comment I can make is....yes Terry. It happens to me sometimes for all of the reasons you stated. I will be 66 in less than 5 months and for the past couple of years I have realized that I am changing physically, and not for the better. I wonder what will be in the next few years not only physically but financially. Will I wind up in a senior "wharehouse" where I'm not really taken care of?
I see young families and think of the time I was in that position. My heart aches at times that I don't have a companion. Oh yes, I have a lot of friends and some of them are lady's. But I haven't met one that I want to be with permanently. At the end of the day, I'm always back in my apartment looking at four walls.
However I am very lucky to have a daughter who loves me and is always after me to move to Florida so I can be closer to her. Her reasoning "jokingly with tongue in cheek" is that I'm not getting any younger and if it comes to the point......she can't fly up to Pittsburgh to change my I need to be by her.
One thing I have to do is to spend more time thinking of all the good that has been and still is happening to me post WT. I'm a very lucky man. In the past 5 years or so, I have already lost friends who were younger than me to cancer, heart disease and other malady's.
It's just one day at a time!
still thinking
I can 100% understand what you posted there tal...and agree
Terry, just go with it. It is human to release emotion. You had a very difficult time. It takes a while to sink in...and to process and release the emotions that went with what you experienced. It's had a profound effect on you.
Terry, you've just been thru a life-threatening illness.
That tends to shift one's perspective.
I sincerely hope that you are feeling much, much better and can get to a state of mind that allows you to see beauty without feeling any sense of sadness or loss...
And I hope this doesn't make you cry, but - it's one of my favorite pictures:
Zid, your pic just reminded me of one of the songs that defined my youth and early adulthood...
I Am A Rock, I am an island.
But a rock feels no pain ... and an island never cries.
Much love to you and the others on this thread.
*waves to JT*
xo from,
grasshopper :D
Hee hee!!
Thanks, Tal, but I'm assuming - that isn't "unconditional love" you're offering, is it???
Hee hee hee heeeee!!
i'm 85 & I cry so much...I thought it was because I was going nuts...
I watch the news & cry nearly all the way through it.So much horrible things going on...
.Now they have found a suitcase with a body chopped up in Ontario.
I think the world has a lot to cry about ... -
Yes, it's been known to happen, though never for no reason. Usually there's a moment of profound realization or empathy involved. Not always a sad thing. It's good to feel.
nuthouse escapee
Sometimes I cry for no reason at all. Wasn't thinking sad thoughts or anything. Always feel better after. At times when we're in a crisis we hold it together and once it has passed the tears flow. You're normal Terry like the rest of us. Leslie (does seem to happen more as I get older)