5 Reasons Why the DEAF Masturbation Video is different than anything before...

by BluePill2 241 Replies latest jw friends

  • BluePill2

    I understand King Solomons concerns and personally share the opinion that we should respect the deaf. Although I might add the following, very interesting, added value for deaf communities:

    1. People are not mocking the deaf per se or the language. It is a silly combination and a rather unlucky combination of things that make this funny for many viewers. A religion trying to put rules on normal, human activities - the combination "deaf masturbation and sect" just made it exotic, niche-like and sparked worldwide interest. If you notice most people are NOT mocking deaf persons. They are dumbfonded by the stupidity of an organization that uses resources to enforce something that is MORE than a stupid rule.

    Maybe you are not aware, but young people have committed suicide over the shame, guilt and constant bad conscience about things like these!

    2. Good, positive side effect: you will notice this only if you read around the different forums. This is creating POSITIVE effects for the deaf and sign language communities. Many, many people asking: WOW, does he have to do these gestures. Many others answering how Sign Language works, deaf persons chiming in (without being all "arms up, this is outrageous") and explaining how their language works and how using emotions is necessary. Heck I've read comments about people wanting to learn the language now! I think most mature, grown up humans are not mocking people with disabilities and this is creating a positive, free PR campaign. Believe me, Sign Language is getting good, well deserved attention. Many of the commenters didn't knew that a deaf person can't read regular written words.

    There is no harm here - people laugh all the time about others that have a funny accent. Hell, American Idol participants became famous and made good money out of their unique, funny way of singing. I've seen a famous chinese guy getting millions of hits on Youtube because of his funny english pronunciation.

    Now, the second brother could disfellowship himself and show up at Oprah, CBS or whatever Show he could get in. He could make a ton of cash. Some people in one of the forums are saying that they would pay money to see him as a comedian, that they never saw someone be so perfectly expressive. Sad enough, we all know that he is using his skills for the wrong organization.

    In another forum some guy wants to collect donations for a deaf charity.

    This is the good stuff that I am seeing. There will always be people that are idiots, but this will be with or without this video.

  • cedars

    Sorry, but I don't see anything remotely derisory towards deaf people in all of this - maybe it's just me.

    The only thing that's being laughed at here are the ridiculous teachings of a cult. There's also the "enthusiasm" with which the sign language guy throws himself at his job, but I don't think that by laughing at him we are laughing at deaf people. The deaf YouTuber who responded in her own video demonstrated that you can talk about masturbation in sign language without going to such extreme and graphic lengths.

    I think the Society deserves all the ridicule it's getting - both for its ludicrous and invasive teachings on masturbation, and for failing to spot such an obviously lurid piece of signing by the guy on the video before releasing it for the whole world to see on its website. Don't forget that one of the ways in which they try to dissuade people from using the internet is to tell them that there are dangers involved in posting too much information for the whole world to see. Well, in this case the Society has put out WAY too much information, and the whole world is seeing it.... and laughing at them.

    They should listen to their own advice.


  • Dismissing servant
    Dismissing servant

    I think Blue Pill is completely right. To fight religion humour and ridicule is much more effective than rational arguments. You can compare it to how writers like Voltaire used humour to ridicule the catholic church in their time.

    Ridicule gets attention from the outside community (not interested in dogma) if it is well done. This is exactly what's happening now!

  • cedars

    lol, I'm having a funny exchange on YouTube...

    • ummm this is soo offensive you guys a cruel and judgmental..you know nothing about that religion...THATS NOT A JOKE ITS SUPER RUDE! the website to witnesses is jw.org so please? get alife

      SentaraLuvsU143 1 hour ago

    • This video was actually produced by the Watch Tower Society and is available on their website at? JW.org. By posting it on YouTube, it is spreading JW teachings to the whole world. What's the problem? Are you ashamed of JW teachings? Are there some JW teachings you would prefer people didn't know about?

      John Cedars in reply to SentaraLuvsU143 19 minutes ago

    • i am a proud jw!!! what are you talking about this is fake that crap is not on our? website these guys are making us look bad

      SentaraLuvsU143 in reply to John Cedars 5 minutes ago

    • You've just denounced as "crap" something produced by the Faithful Slave. May lightning strike you down! Before showing everyone how ignorant you are, why not first click on the link in the description and see for yourself that this is on the Society's? website? jwsurvey.org

      John Cedars in reply to SentaraLuvsU143 1 second ago

    I can't believe JWs are calling their own material "crap"! lol


  • Iamallcool

    cedars, give the JW step by step instructions to see the video on the wt site. P.S. I know the link is already provided but make it easier for the JW to finally look it up.

  • Glander

    Another reason, unless I have missed it with the irrelevant, tedious side tracking post, the video is a problem for the WT is that it will force them into a defensive posture over one of their weakest doctrinal statutes.

    The Onanism 'spilled seed' argument (which doesn't address female masturbation anyway) has been debunked. All that is left is their standard interpretation of "principles" (dogma) that they also use for their other personnal "sexual conduct among married people" controls.

    They are showing their foolish cult on a big stage.


    1st Sparlock,now this..

    The Video is hilarious the WBT$ has made fools of themselves again..

    The WBT$ is always pushing the envelope trying to control people..

    Thanks to the WBT$..

    This is how the Outside World see`s JW`s now..

    Would you take a Watchtower from this JW?

    ........................ ...OUTLAW

  • Dismissing servant
    Dismissing servant

    I saw it Cedars! But...give here the direct link to JW. org....http://www.jw.org/apps/index.html?option=QrYQFVTrlBBX&selLang=ASL&selPub=732

  • Glander

    outlaw, stop it! That poor guys invisible penis is getting raw! LOL

  • cedars

    Thanks Dismissing servant - unfortunately you can't post links in comments. However, I think I finally got through to her (assuming it's a she)!

    im just tired of people making fun of our religion i love Jehovah with all my heart. Maybe youre right? i just got confused sorry.

    SentaraLuvsU143 in reply to John Cedars(Show the comment) 4 minutes ago


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