How Do The Two Masturbation Guys Feel?

by RayPublisher 44 Replies latest social humour

  • RayPublisher

    I'm wondering how they feel about their likeness being spammed all over the internet right now? I'll bet they didn't sign up for this kind of attention.

    It reminds me of an article Wired magazine did on YouTube a couple years ago about people that had their careers or social life ruined by a viral YouTube video.

    Anyway, it would be interesting to find out who these guys are and what may or may not end up happening with them over this.

  • slimboyfat

    That's what I keep wondering. What a cringefest.

    Are these guys themselves deaf does anyone know?

  • RubaDub
  • designs

    Street work may now be impossible.......

  • poppers

    Good question. Remember this kid? I think he ended up in therapy.

    Star Wars kid with lightsabre

  • Quendi

    An interesting thread you’ve created, RayPublisher! I never gave another thought to these men having their likeness splattered all over cyberspace and in a uncomplimentary way. I suppose this is a powerful example of the law of unintended consequences. It may be a long time before anyone else at WTS headquarters volunteers for a video appearance again, and you can’t help but wonder if the powers-that-be in Brooklyn have realized that they have opened a giant can of worms this time.


  • 00DAD

    I'm sure they feel relieved. But in a day your two ... well, you know how it is.

  • oldlightnewshite

    Brother Estevez's future career as a window cleaner won't be affected. Like when Mr Miyagi in the Karate Kid makes him do lots of 'wax on-wax off' exercises.... he'll have strong wrists for cleaning windows.

  • 00DAD

    Quendi: I suppose this is a powerful example of the law of unintended consequences.

    Of course this question assumes they even know that the thread has gone viral.

    If they're really good little obedient JWs then they're not surfin' the 'net and wouldn't know that they can be seen all over the world workin' it!

  • jgnat

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