If The JW Religion Wasn't So Strict Would You Be Against It As Much As You Are?

by minimus 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    I don't think I'd be so involved in making the truth be known if THEY weren't so extreme.

    ONLY when it affects our quality of life and our family and friendships, do I feel the need to tell others of what I know to be true about the religion.

    What about you?

  • Christ Alone
    Christ Alone

    The problem is that this question doesn't really work. The control is such an integral part of their religion that if it wasn't there, there would be no Jehovah's Witnesses. Their whole concept is based on the fact that the Faithful Slave has complete control over Jesus "domestics". If that didn't exist, there would be no Watchtower.

    That being said, if I could imagine a world in which the organization did not control everything about everyone's lives, then no I would not be as intense in talking about them. I would view them as any other religious group. I don't feel the need to go around and talk about other religious groups (including non Christian ones) because I feel happy to let people believe what they are going to believe. If they want to become a Christian, then I would accept them with open arms. If they want to talk about faith, I am happy to share mine. But I am no longer (and this is somewhat new) moved to shove ANYTHING down ANYONE'S throat about my faith. However, with JWs I feel moved to try and get through to them that this cult is extremely dangerous and damaging to every part of a person's life.

  • clarity

    I don't think the hight of the extremeism is the real problem.


    It is a fraud at its bottom level.

    It first of all, totally misleads naive people to believe a concept

    that is beneficial only to themselves, ie Money -Power & Control.

    After the phony foundation of the society, comes the all pervasive

    strictness & pressure ..... which is made up and changes daily!

    So guess my answer is YES!


  • minimus

    Plenty of religions believe that if you break a law or commandment, strictly speaking, you can go to hell.

    Yet, they rarely enforce shunning. Those that do, suck, also.

  • moshe

    If I had hung out with more free-spirited folks when I was growing up, I might have bypassed the KH all together.

  • james_woods

    I think that the dishonesty (false prophecy in particular, and later denial of this) is worse than the control aspects.

    It is the dishonesty that make the high-control behavior necessary for them.

  • minimus

    they believe the lie.

  • fakesmile

    i dont rail against catholics or mormans tho they are similar. my beef with WT is that they affected me pesonally in education and sports along with hollidays which i dont miss. and now they are squirming back into my comfort zone thru no action of my own. ya know im pretty chill and can let most things slide but this religion is not one of them.

    you dont tug on supermans cape, you dont spit in the wind, you dont pull the mask off the lone ranger. AND YOU DONT DARE THREATEN OR ATTEMPT TO CONTROL ME WITH SUPERSTITIOUS IDEAS.

  • fakesmile

    sorry i missed the question. if i had not been born in, i would not know or ever care to learn anything about them. sounds selfish but it would be more like willfull ignorance.

  • minimus

    I think all religions stink....somw more than others.

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