snake on bedroom floor when I got up this am!

by nuthouse escapee 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • nuthouse escapee
    nuthouse escapee

    WTWIZARD: Thanks for your little story about your grandmother and the snake in the asparagus. You are very kind to the little creatures. As much as I hate them in the house, I have no desire to hurt them when they're outdoors. I accidently ran over one with the riding mower and actually felt bad about that. Maybe there's hope for me yet. As far as spiders go, the only ones I remove are the ones in the bedroom. I have been bitten on the face a few times in the past and awakened to an eye swelled shut.

    Emptyinside: Nightmares about them too.

    Scott 77: Thanks for the link. I will check it out in the daytime lol. I really want to get over my fear of them. There are some snakes that have exceptionally beautiful markings (crap why do those colorful markings have to be on a snake) I did a bit of research today about garter snakes. I have trouble looking at the pictures but perhaps if I learn more about them I will fear them less.

    RIP: lol@ Kingdom Hall 'snakes'

    Nancydrew: I can't understand why people want them as pets, but I guess to each his own.

    Wannaexit: Yup, agree totally worst nightmare for me too. Have had nightmares about them since around age 5.

    Keyser Soze: Sorry to burst your bubble of security but cities have snakes too. We have had stories here of people in apartment buildings finding a snake in their apartment after someone's pet escaped. But yes, you would likely have less of a chance of encountering them in a highly populated area.

    Thanks all for your responses.Leslie

  • ziddina

    I'm sorry that you're scared of snakes...

    As WTWizard said, most snakes are actually your FRIENDS. They eat mice, rats, toads, frogs, grasshoppers - lots of things that, if left unchecked, could eat you out of house and home.

    I'd trust a snake with my grilled cheese sandwich LOOOOOOONG before I'd trust a mouse or a rat or a vole or any other rodent!! If the rodent didn't eat it, it might - uhm, not to ruin your appetite or anything, but I have hamsters, and they PEE on any food they want to mark as their own...

    And just think - snakes could save you from having to deal with that!!

  • ziddina

    Stinkin' website!! Just ate my entire post!!!

    I WAS posting that snakes don't feel 'slimey'; that, in fact, they feel rather like a beaded belt - very cool and smooth with the slightest bumpy texture, like running one's fingertips over a Native American beaded 'wampum' belt.

    Let's see if the twonky website will post THIS comment!!!

  • Scott77

    This one is from google but its says its a garter snake. I assume they are harmless like this guy is holding it. nuthouse escapee, I hope you are not afraid of them.

    I really want a pet garter snake Comox Valley Naturalists Society

  • Heaven

    Snakes were considered healers by the ancients. It is considered good luck to have a snake in the house. From 18 Omens of Good Fortune:

     Meeting Up With A Snake
    Is another sign of good fortune. Whether in your garden, inside the home, or out trekking, if you meet up with a snake, it means something or someone important is coming into your life. Never ever try to harm or kill a snake when confronted with one. The more poisonous the snake, the better is the good fortune. The king cobra is described as a snake of extreme good fortune. Whatever you do, never kill a snake as they are also associated with some spiritual presence. They usually slither away themselves when they sense human presence.
  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    Yes, my snakeskin boots were very lucky for me!!!

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Garter snakes are harmless. They do have teeth and can bite you, but they have no venom. A bite should be cleaned well with antiseptic.

    It is more likely that the snake will be afraid of you, and if you were to pick him up, he would demonstrate his fear by evacuating his bowels. i know this from personal experience and it smells pretty bad.

    Lastly, I feel there has to be some kind of pithy saying we can derive from this. I'm thinking of something like, "Lie down with _____, wake up with serpents."

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