yes absolutely ... but you have to talk the language of the day.
paganism, spiritism, demonism, human sacrifice, wickedness ?? = gods
God the Father of Abraham / Jesus = God. capital G that is what we use to determine the One True God of The Bible andof Abraham, Jacob, Isaac, Moses, Jesus etc.
It is a differant title. So far, my self personally haven't gotten deep enough into it yet to say whether or not I believe even if there is a Holy God. So your constant nick-picking is not helping only to clog everything down in semantics.
YAWEH = GOD and or is the same as a god - a descriptive term for deities ? yes ? no ?
je-hovah = god, pagan deity ? demonologia ?wickedness/ badness/ human sacrifice ? yes ? no ?
If the wicked war mongering hating god of the bible story is je-hovah, who is proved to be a demon/pagan/mystic entity.
wouldn't it make sense.
Jeffro you cannot deny that worldwide there are many different forms of worship/religions/beliefs/stuctures. they all originated somewhere. It would do more to talk about the ancient times of where and how these stories emerged and the knock on effect.
All you are doing really is saying - I believe xyz because, well that's what I believe. your not saying why. evidence.
If you said I dont believe ayz because I discovered this really interesting ____ and I did some research and here is the information I have.evidence.
I don't believe xyz because I came across this study of _____ and I did some more searching and found out _____ so that is why I don't believe. evidence.
It's not about what you like, or what you believe personally. Everyone is different and has different likes, dislikes and personl preferences and
even beliefs, for whatever reason.
If someone says I believe in the True God of the bible. It si at this point in time, a far better thing to say, that's okay, your entitled to belive what you want, after all your a grown up, freedom of choice and all that.
Did you actually know that e.g the term/name je-hovah is actually not what you think it /him is. Here take a look at all this evidence
from mans history over the last ____ thousands of years.
That title je-hovah doesn't actually describe or ascribe to the True God you believe in.
Did you know that name is actually steeped in mysticism/demonology/pagansim/child sacrifice etc so on and so forth.
you might want to take this information / book with you and do some research into it, you may be shocked.
These people / WE were talked into this cult under a false pretense.
These people / WE have to be talked back out with reason, logic and information.
It is the mind that is going to do it, its a gradual process, the only way the mind can do it, is by having the tools needed to do it.
Information is the tool, it is the vehicle to deliver the medicine to cure the malady
There is no LOGIC argument here. Of course logic doesn't come itno it. If it was that simple there wouldn't 7million + people captive to this cult. Over a time period of, in this particular instance, + 130 yrs.
Since the birth of Christianity + another 2000yrs.
Then another at least another + 4000 yrs
You cannot deconstruct 1000's of years of human history and culture in 60 minutes.
It is a process, it takes time, step by step, to get the information out, bit by bit in easily digested form. If the mind is bombarded, it shuts down for protection.
Gradually, bit by bit.
Here is an idea, and I am not being sassy, but. how about you started a thread, and talked about the steps of how you came to accept and believe the things you now believe / have proven to yourself, what has become your choice and why.
But adding the information you learned along the way that btought you to where you are the whole beliefs things.
just a thought, I think it would be very educational.