[Jehovah's Witnesses do not comprehend the dual cycle of temple prophecy yet; After Temple cleanse of the "lawless one" in the JW org, this will be taught by Jehovah's Witnesses worldwide after the "befouled garments" of the UN-Pushing-GB is removed; Zech3:2-9 - Which may be quite traumatic to most JWs, but it must fulfill soon;]
AHHHHH!!!! A JW reformer. Sorry to tell you, but the "JW org" will never reform. They are a publishing company that has no place in anything. They began as a false prophetic cult, and continue today as a multi billion dollar real estate/publishing company that teaches lies and hatred to it's 7 million + followers.
Why do you think that JWs are the ones that will comprehend these teachings of yours? Why do you still hold on to 1914, when it's been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that 607 is a hoax? Why do ignore that 1914 was the date that JWs believed would be the end of the world, and it was not until the 40's that they taught that it was the date of Christ's return?
JW reformers do not make any sense to me. The organization views you as an APOSTATE. YOU! They will never "come around" to your way of thinking. And by holding on to their unique teachings, people are still rolling around in the mud.