Summarizing Matthew 24:1-44 as I understand it:
Jesus has just left the temple for the last time after pronouncing it desolate. He moves to the mount of olives with His disciples and tells them that the temple would be utterly destroyed.
His disciples are shocked and ask 1. when this would happen and 2. what would signal his visitation and the end of the age.
As I see it, Jesus answers the first question in verses 1 -35
In verses. 5-14 he tells them that difficult times were ahead for them.
False “messiahs” would arise before Jerusalem's destruction
There would be numerous military encounters.
Famines and earthquakes would occur.
There would be intense persecution of believers.
Some would “stumble,” and depart from the faith.
False prophets would be prevalent.
There would be decreasing spirituality on the part of some saints.
Those who endured and remained alive would be physically delivered.
The gospel would be published far and wide before Jerusalem's fall.
Then in verses 15 - 35 He identifies the sign that would alert them to Jerusalem's impending desolation and provides the course of action they should take:
He tells them: As soon as you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies know its desolation is near. There will be no time to waste, even to get extra clothing; It will be unfortunate for pregnant and nursing mothers; pray that your flight from the city or Judean villages will not be impeded by winter conditions or on a Sabbath day when the city gates are locked and traveling distance limited. Escape quickly because unparallelled tribulation for Jerusalem and its inhabitants is about to occur. Don't believe the false prophets who tell you that the messiah is secretly present somewhere, to deliver you; no because my second coming will be evident worldwide.
Immediately, swiftly after the siege and suffering brought about by it; the onslaught and the destruction of the temple and city will occur orchestrated by the Son of man, from heaven. Many shall fall by the sword and those that survive will be shipped off as slaves to gentile lands. Be happy that as a result, because you will be spared destruction and Jewish restraints and persecution will be shattered and the gospel will have free course throughout the world. You are to know the exact timing and when all this is about to take place. All these things will happen within this (his own) generation.
Then, as I see it, Jesus answers the second question from verse 36-44
But of that day, the day of my parousia, my personal, highly visible coming, knows no man. There will be no signs to warn people; it will come as a total surprise as did the flood in Noah's day. People will be going about there business as usual, it will be normal times; people will be marrying and giving in marriage, working at their jobs There will be no need to flee this event. Two men will be working in the field; one taken, one left behind; two women working at the mill, one taken, one left behind. Be ready at all times since the son of man will come when you least expect it. And it will come as a snare upon the whole earth, not just Jerusalem and Judea.