howdy. your only responsibility is to you're kid. plenty of ppl here are encouraging. good luck.
My story. not that interesting but, I want to tell it.
by crystlew123 36 Replies latest jw friends
I think the volunteer work you are doing at the hospital will work out. Keep up with the job interviews and don't be afraid to take a temporary position. Temporary leads to extensions leads to permanent.....
Hi Crystle and welcome!
Thanks for telling your story. It sounds like you have a lot on your plate, but it is possible for you and your son to have a happy healthy life. You are both young so you have time. Try to spend as much one on one time with him as you can, maybe planning something special, even a picnic at a park or something simple when your parents are going to meetings. Like others have already said try to get on your own as soon as you can, but for now try to stay positive. You will find help here.
Peace to you,
Love, Mrs. Thor
Thanks for sharing your story, Chrystle, and welcome to this site.
CRYSTLEW- Wow ! What a story. Welcome to the board, you've been through a lot for sure . If you are really deeply concerned about your parents indoctrinating your son in JWism and WT society teachings, if I were you I'd find a good friend or some other non-witness family members to stay with until you get on your feet financially. Just by you being in your JW dad & mom's house will give your elder dad the thinking that he's the alleged " head " of the house and he'll not only try to run your life, but your son's as well. If you don't want to have him take that control from you as a parent over your son - it may be wise to fins another environment to raise your son in- like a non-Witness environment.
I really feel for you, but YOU as the mom are going to have to take the bull by the horns in order to prevent your son from being indoctrinated. Sounds like your dad's pretty deep in the Witnesses. I wish you the best of luck ! Keep your boy's mind free ! Don't let him get mind controlled by the J-dubs ! Hang in there, Peace out, Mr. Flipper
Kool Jo
Welcome aboard...I'm sorry to hear about your experiences during your youth and hope things will get better for you as time goes by....
Kool Jo
Welcome! I'm a newb also, but I already feel right at home amonsgt the members here.
We all have been through an ordeal emotionally, and some like yourself physically. I can't even begin to understand how painful your experience has been, but like some others have stated, therapy would help immensly.
I was in a really dark place a couple years ago, and even though after all the years I'd been away from the org, it still felt wrong somehow to seek help.
it was at that moment when it finally dawned on me how damaging that bs org had been to me and my family. I made the decision to go and it saved my life. Literally.
Please get help for yourself first, and it will become so crystal clear that you HAVE to get your little one out of that environment. Little kids are sponges, and espescially smart kids which it sounds like yours is!
Thanks for sharing your story and just know that there are lots of friendly people here.
Welcome! Sorry to hear about all you have gone are not alone here.
nuthouse escapee
Welcome Crystal: No need to downplay the trauma you have been through because you think others have gone through worse. You have a right to your feelings.( I learned that in therapy) You have been through so much but remember that you are a survivor. It takes strength to get where you are now.
Agree with other posters about getting out of your parents house. Unfortunately JW parents will feel it is their god-given responsibility to indoctrinate your son. The sooner you can get him out of that toxic environment the better. All the best to you and your son. I am also relatively new to the forum and it is a wonderful place for support. Looking forward to hearing more from you.Leslie
"somewhere in this time I decided I was oging to read the bible. All the way through as good JWs are supposed to. Maybe I just wasnt being good enough Jw,,, or some crap. I didnt even make it through the first ten chapters of Gen. before i found a hundred things tht I interrpreted s dffferent from Jw. ..." Crystal, Opening Post
Ah, ha ha ha ha ha!!!
Though that wasn't the first thing that tripped me up, when I did get around to examining Genesis in the light of earth sciences and astronomy, to name just two fields of study, I found SO many things wrong with just the first 20 verses of the first book of the bible...!!!