My parents took me and my younger sister out of public school when I was about to go into high school and my sister into 5th grade. This was back in 1988. My parents were one of the first in our area of Fresno, CA to do so and received much slack for it. The common complaint was that they were taking us out of our "preaching territory." How ridiculous!
I remained on a home school program for 2 years until I took my Proficiency Exam at 16. My sister did the same when she turned 16 or so.
I think homeschooling is different for every child. I was far advanced by the time I was taken out. The very reason my parents chose to take me out of public school was that in 8th grade I was already being prepped for college and had a good 5 hours of homework every night from advanced classes. My parents felt studying should best be done in the Society's publications. And besides, I wasn't going to be allowed to go to college. (Note: My dad has been an elder since I was 9 and I come from a very strong JW family). I continued to do well on homeschooling because I was that kind of student. My sister on the other hand was completely different.
Although I regret not enjoying high school things and not going to college, I know I wouldn't have been allowed to do any of those things anyway, so oh well. I was not free until 3 1/2 years ago at the age of 24.
Interestingly, although my parents were criticized for this, they ended up starting a trend in our area for the next few years. Then they were praised for it when at 16 I became a regular pioneer. You know how back-stabby JW's can be!
Anyway, just sharing! Sorry I haven't been around. Hi to all my friends!