Again, I just this minute checked to see if THE video was still on-line at the official website of jw.orb ,sign language ",Gods Way Is love " and of course it is still their . the video on masturbation for the deaf community .Much has been said on a variety of links,threads ,other websites , u-tubes , facebook , twitters , etc. etc.
What is wrong with people , masturbation is a fact of life .Do you honestly think that the POPE of Rome does not masturbate ? Do you honestly think that the Queen of England has never masturbated ? Not to mention prime ministers , presidents of the USA ,who we know couldnt keep their pants zippered up ? and so many more in history that shows sex is a very big thing in ones life , whether you are a nobody , or a King, Queen or Pope or the president of the USA. ......History verifys all of this .