And then you presumably would tell the elders of his confession, and they'd take this hear-say evidence based on your word (perhaps with a "cross your heart, hope-to-die Ananais and Sapphira style" pledge)? And then you'd be scripturally free?
Wow, if that doesn't sound like a system with potential abuse built into it, LOL!
Yes. That's how it works. But I learned something else in the midst of this that kind of shocked me. The 'innocent' mate gets the say-so. So if YOU committed adultery, even got DF'd, and the wife/husband says they will forgive you, and if they have not had sex with anyone else, then it is their call. They are the innocent mate, and so it is their decision if you are free to move on or not. If they have sex with you, then they no longer have the option of getting a scriptural divorce.
So I know someone that was DF'd, got married, left their wife, found other girlfriends, got reinstated, met a sister and wanted to marry her. Well the ex-spouse had some connection to the JW's though I don't think she was baptized. Even though they were divorced, even though he'd had sex with others, she claimed that she had not and she would forgive him! They said he couldn't remarry. I don't remember how long this went on, but I think she just gave in eventually. But unless he had started stalking HER to see if SHE had sex (only at night) with someone, then he was still bound to her, regardless of how many partners he had in between.
It just makes you dizzy.