My husband confuses me. He says that he is a JW, but very
Clearly enjoys the attention he gets from others on his birthday. Did I mention none of his friends, I mean, not one knows he is a Witness. He sends me The Daily Text via text message everyday, but him and his frat brothers f/undergrad just got back from Vegas last weekend (where they partied so hard he spent nearly $2,000 at bars and gambling trying to keep up with the likes of his doctor friends).
He goes to meetings on some Weds and some Sundays, but that is about the extent of his Witnessing....he doesn't do field service. I feel like he is a Witness out of guilt and not wanting to disappoint his mother, who he adores.
He is the most gentle, kind man I know.
I just don't understand this what Witnesses are REALLY like?
It seems like a lot of work to live in these dual worlds , I used to go to the Hall with him and stuied w/ a sister too, but I lost interest after I saw the extent to which he hides his faith...I started going back to my own places of worship.