Street witnessing without any other jws wasn't too bad. I did not come with old magazines to dump. I did have some tracts and I kept it brief. Most of the time people were on the way to work and did not have time to give. I found lunch time more successful. People had time...I learned to ask viewpoint questions and valued their input. Several asked me why the other jws, well, seemed more interested in selling magazines. I dodged that question but thought to myself that it was the lazy person's way out.
I can still remember a CO from long ago who encouraged me to use the words of Jesus when talking to people, how would they hear his voice by placing publications. While my goals are different today, that was something that made me think about my approach to people and to notice why other jws were not effective, perhaps on purpose.
I always wondered why the focus on time slips/hours when the only mention of keeping records was 2 times in the early days of Christians, a general taking attendance. In my years as a pioneer, being around other pioneers and jws, I was amazed how much time was wasted, easy time, people who if they were working on commission, requiring results, would be living on the street. The talking at the meeting of field service for 45 minutes before anyone walked out the door, 45 minutes d2d where no one was home, then 1 hour coffee break, that concluded with an RV on a NH (still NH) and then going home and counting 3 hours.